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  • There are mainly two kinds of people on these forums. The first kind are frustrated teenagers who have been taught to hate India, and thus love to post all sorts of rubbish about it. The second kind are people like you, who, influenced by goody-goody ideas of love and friendship, come here thinking they'll make a few new Pakistani friends.
    Fact is, Indians and Pakistanis have nothing in common. Maybe we did at some point of time, but not any more. Pakistanis look upto the middle-east as their model. Islam and all. They don't want anything to do with India, and we don't want anything to do with them.
    No point in discussing anything with Pakistanis. They cannot have honest discussion. All they want is to malign and discredit India. If you want join some Indian forum where you can discuss things freely without these people misusing your good intentions.
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