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  • My computer is out of order, I am waiting for replacement memory from Crucial hence Ill be out for a few days till they arive. I using this junk P1 or 2 it is slow as hell.
    Hi JK, This is what Quran says "Al lamul Insaane bin Kalum" apoligy for the bad roman, it means (may allah forgive me for any mistakes), "I tought human kind with the force of the fountain pen", which interperts for me the power of understanding JK we are unique in our believes, and differences are the means of understanding each other and respecting them, I shall do my part to respect your believes and hope you do the same, frendship is one word to a atmosphere of understanding.
    Hey Interceptor,

    I've only been to the Netherlands once but I thought it was a beautiful country much nicer than the UK.

    I know we have different views on some things but I'm sure we can be good friends.
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