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Hideki Yukawa

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  • You said quote: "China will become a super power when the sun beocme a black hole."

    lol. Your mere country got DESTORYED by USA. Your country the SUN right?

    Well now is a DEAD star. A black hole. lol, USA is now sitting on the black hole.

    So you see, China is a super power, and your country is a black hole!!

    BTW, congradualation for your recent earth quake!
    日本鬼子 米国では、あなたの祖父です
    日本鬼子 米国では、あなたの祖父です
    Could u guys have anything to do in the recent Chinese train incident which have killed 35 people and wounded 100s. of others? I'm simply asking not judging.
    BTW, I can not see your message, they are got deleated by the Mod.

    But I can guess what they are.

    You japanese are easy to figure out.
    I have to say, back in the times of Imperial Japan, those Zeros and Aichivals certainly were formidable aircraft back in WWII. And coupled with a fantastic fighting force. Enough that the Russians cowered in fear, and defeated. I imagine that your country currently has some issues with Russia?
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