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  • Slow and likely to never return as it was once...and that's a good thing.
    Degrees are accepted almost in entirety. Most people do one or two 400 level courses in discrete mathematics/linear algebra and/or a core focus area but mostly it is straight jump to grad studies. And most grad students are TAs/RAs. It is difficult to secure one right away, mostly after one season but a large number of grads here are on the COMSATS faculty development programme fellowship.

    You can directly contact grad students here. I can give you their emails.
    I really don't know a lot of people here. The Intl Students and Scholars office says that there are 81 Pakistani students (Green Passports) here besides the nearly 200 of Pakistani origins. Of them, I know nearly 30-40.

    The grad programs in these fields are very famous and highly ranked, besides being competitive. "Environment" of course can be evaluated in varying degrees depending on social, political, religious and academic interest :)
    Mr. Nitrogen,
    I sent my letter (as it now stands on the "Aafia Siddiqui Convicted" thread) to my Virginia US Senators Webb and Warner today. I'll let you know when/if I receive any reply.

    Mr. Nitrogen,
    I have posted a draft of my letter to my Senators on the Siddiqi convicted thread. I will wait a day before sending it to see if you have any suggestions.
    I started my BS-CS from Fast Islamabad but currently in Fast Lahore and in 5th semester.
    Wish you and all around you a very Happy Eid.
    May this day bring all happiness and joys in your life.
    I am Electrical Engineer 88-UET,LHR.Tell me about your intrests.

    Wish you good luck

    hi sir, how r u, my name is hammad too, and i am too going to do computer engineering from NED, from where u r doing ur studies, just interested to know about the forum members!!
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