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  • @Avatar,

    In my opinion...The Indian military, like the Chinese military, is at a cusp where either could be on a path towards true independence from foreign sources of defense or continue to be an arms importer, hence vulnerable to influences. The Chinese is slightly ahead. This is applicable to all branches of the military, not just the air force.

    As far as the JF-17 goes, it is a good aircraft in the same class as the F-16 and I mean the F-16 in general, not the various blocks. An experienced F-16A pilot can still give any similar class fighter a good simulated fight. Like the F-16, I see the intention for the JF-17 is to be either an all-around territorial defense fighter or complementary to a dedicated air superiority fighter like the F-16/F-15 combination.
    Sir, being an air force veteran what is your opinion on the Indian Air Force ? I read your posts about F-22's comparison with other modern fighters. In most cases that is true. However some Air Force's might never be facing an F-22 except in simulated war games, so it would be wiser to rate these aircrafts depending on the competition that they might be facing. Also, I would like to hear your honest opinion on the JF-17. Thank you.

    There are restrictions on what could a non-US citizen could do in the USAF. Given today's political climate, what was allowed in my time could be restricted for now. I know that any nuclear related field would be restricted. As a pilot? No...Or at least I doubt it, because a pilot could be delivering or transport nuclear assets.

    ROTC? Reserve Officer Training Corp. Check with the nearest university/college for details on what ROTC program is available.
    Nice :D
    Well first of all, anyone who's a non-US citizen, e.g. a Pakistani like me, allowed to apply in for USAF as a pilot?

    And secondly, what is ROTC? =o
    Thanks =)
    Hello :)
    I read somewhere that you worked with USAF =o
    well I have quite an interest in USAF, I had some questions to ask if you don't mind. =)
    sorry,I didn't ask you properly.
    I wanted to say that if you give 10/10(full marks) marks to 'Raptor' by looking at its radars,avionics and weapons. then,
    How much marks/grade would you give to F-35 ,Su-30 MKI,Typhoon and rafale?
    if you 10/10 to the rapter than how much will you give to F-35,Pak-Fa,MKI,Euro fighter and Typhoon?
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