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  • You called the center? wow, I'm honored. Thank you very much for your efforts. However, since I've nearly completed my University, I don't intend to repeat the 4-years of academic training. I, too, will wait for the SSC to open for males, and by then, InshAllah, I'll have completed my undergrad and will be ready.

    Really, thanks a lot for your assistance.
    Alright. Thanks for the information. It's already Feb. 22, I think I missed the deadline. In any case, I wouldn't have been able to apply before March, that is when I'll be in Pakistan.

    Thanks for the info. I hope they open up SSC for males and females soon enough.
    Hello Eagle,

    I was just wondering. The PAF application, is that just for women or everyone? Also, what is the deadline? did you apply yet?

    Sorry for all the questions. I'll be visiting Pakistan soon, so I thought maybe I'll get a chance to apply as well.

    I didn't know I was so well mannered until today!!! ;-)

    Thank you very much for your appreciation in the best member thread. :-)
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