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  • Fatman,

    I hope you got the answer to the question you asked a few days ago---incidently, I posted it on my side.
    glad to hear about the garrison in SWAT...seems some of the items on our wish list are going to be realized!
    Saw Naraz Sharif at the Qul of Dr. Sarfraz Shaheed and he was chanting the same old BS about Government policies...my god i have come to hate PML N and these Ganja Brothers...a bunch of hypocrites who cannot even condemn Taliban!
    my pleasure - it was great meeting you - kindly send me your e-mail address again as i seem to have deleted my in-box!
    Was a great pleasure to chat the other day and many thanks for the sumptuous dinner
    In that case I'll just copy your post over - that way your thread remains available and the review of the book is also availabe in the book review section.
    thats fine but it will get lost. i plan to post key points/ideas from the book as it is quite current to whats going on in FATA
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