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  • Thanks man. Btw what did you think about I proposed regarding "Azad Kashmir" thing?
    mr. webmaster i have a artical to be posted.......but i am locked up as u have not given me permission to post artical
    You should consider banning use of the phrase "Azad Kashmir". For those who don't want to call it Azad Kashmir, make them use Pakistan-administered Kashmir as that's a neutral term. It really pisses me off when I see that phrase.
    There's a viewsat v-link on the way. It's basically a converter you put on the back of your receiver to connect your receiver to an ethernet cable. I already got viewsat so I might just buy the v-link which will be much cheaper than buying a new receiver and watch tv using that.
    I didn't bother buying Kbox. It's just those days where it may go down in a week and never come back. I am not wasting $200 with so high risk. Just waiting if nfusion comes back, or nagra 3 is cracked because I have viewsat, but other than that I stopped watching FTA.
    so your'e the field marshal now?! ........... definitely! ;)

    I suggest, making a new badge for yourself,

    it'll look really KEUUUUL :)
    Please ban this member http://www.defence.pk/forums/members/sino-pakfriendship.html

    I have reported 1000 of this posts, and you have done nothing.

    Every single post he makes is racist. Always against Indians and white people. He replies to discussions with things that arnt even on topic, such as "white people are pedofiles" "Indians love curry" He just has a racist agenda and has no intention to ingage in any proper discussion.

    Every single post he writes "Western whites" and then says something racially.

    This needs to be acted on immediately because i am sick to death of it.
    SIR im reporting this indian troll 4 time he has been banned before and now after coming again hes trolling and using offensive stuff.
    so??? isnt he Mr.10% ????? who cares whether hes the president of any pariah nation or jumri tallaiya.
    Mr 10% kya laga rakha hai India kai naam pai aur smile kar lene do = POSTER= Dark Angel,Thread =India offers to resume talks with Pakistan
    I have warned him personally but hes still doing the same.Please ban this guy i beg u thanks.
    Truth is kashmir is with India and zaid hameed, JUD, LET ke pichware mein dum hain na to kashmir leke dikhaye.............hath pao mein dum nahi hum kisi se kam nahin wali baaat kar di.........we all know ur capabilities and thts why kashmir is still with us and will always remain, jo ukharna hain ukhad le ********

    THREAD =Before calling us beggars the true beggars r u guys doosre country ke paise me jee rahe hain.
    Please delete it thanks

    I guess u r not aware with present time and politics.......since if u wud have been then u wud have known tht India has got a booming economy with excellent all round work and developments going around and more and more mncs are wanting to do business with india.

    Lastly if u got dum then take kashmir, but since last 60 years nothing happened on the other hand we had balls to divide you guys into 2 countries and inshallah aage bhi hoga "balochistan
    see this post is still here?? i reported it.
    Kashmir - Past & Present, How our Forefathers Sacrificed so much against India
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