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  • Thanks bhai....probably right maybe my brothers used it or something anyways bhai chillax aur im sorry for wasting ur time.

    hey! go to google type "why is there" & check out the first suggested name! you will be in for a shock new racism against us!
    Bro i think my ID is hacked.......also my old poster yahoo ID is locked..Kindly if possiable plz send me a different password at my new ID...doctor_death20@yahoo.com.......
    Hi, just wondering, have there ever been any complaints about me? Just curious. If so, i will straighten myself up. I tend to get a little carried away sometimes. :)
    I would kindly like to know whats the procedure for joining PAF GD/P branch in the SSC branch as I already have a BEng in Aeronautical Engineering(aerospace engineering)? Kindly please advise, and awaiting your reply.

    Kind regards
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