Short version of my original email:
WindJammer offers to post some video footage of him and his Indian lady tenant
" my Indian student tennant, Sunita.......She's more interested in my actions than words, I would post you some footage but then, it may bring tears to your eyes."
I replied that :"offering to post certain type of video footage, perhaps without the consent of the other party, is IMMORAL and most likely ILLEGAL. Check with the Admins. "
His shameless response:
"Damn, better see how Sunita is handling those Balls..... Tennis any one. "(Post #155)
Isn't this completely against forum rules like " This is a defense forum, always remember that, and not a joking stock!" and "discriminatory remarks which are sexually explicit?
Later he opens threads named "Indian Prix" &"Low Caste Aircraft" .
Let me know what you think and whether you agree with me.