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  • i am not shy of controversy, never have been and never will be. As controversy results in scrutiny and from that scrutiny comes understanding which gives rise to support or opposition and both are necessary. i am an accomplished writer and there are many that do not agree with what i have written and they write their critique and i either defend my opinion or i accept theirs. But it is all done intellectually and in fair spirit and objective is always to further ones knowledge.

    but ignorance is different it is not excusable and interaction with it is futile. Ignorance stems from many aspects, e.g., if someone does not know what i have said or what my opinions are then he has no knowledge of it, and in absence of credible knowledge forming counter opinion is certainly being ignorant. but that is not as bad as the situation with few members on this forum is cause i am assuming that a person has no knowledge of my opinions. but what makes it worst is when i reiterate something over and over again and its on record, its right in front of them and yet they deliberately misconstrue it, then it is ignorance of a higher level, its being ignorant by choice rather than being ignorant by default.

    it is sad when i have to actually offer money to a guy for if he could show me that i have said what he has accused me of saying while quoting my post in black and white. if it was not the case then you would not have to mention it in your post that many of them were actually wrong in assuming that i support TTP or have any soft corner for it. You rightly mentioned that I was not aware of the fact that there exists a basic rehabilitation programme or at least some efforts are being made in that regard and I accepted it. I was here to make myself aware of the public opinion not to get into a war of accusations and mud slinging. It is not my style neither am I used to it nor do I want to be accustomed to it.

    Thanks for writing to me, I certainly do appreciate it.
    You may comprehend it either way. :)

    Well one i thing i can assure you is that people here DO read whatever your or anybody else writes. They also understand what the poster wants to say. Now everybody has his own way of implying and extracting the crux out of that post, you or i cant force it upon them. Some would like your posts and some wont, it is that simple, but then thinking that if you are right and the other person is wrong just because 'you' think that he didnt understand your post is just plain wrong. You are welcome here on the forum and say whatever you want to (unless it contradicts with the forum rules) and things would be fine. There are many and many here who are openly 'killed' by the members here as their thoughts were either not 'understood' by them or they didnt simply agree with the poster, but that dont stop them from posting or arguing. If there would be no arguments and hot discussions there is no fun of having this forum around. This place owe its existence to discussions and arguments, so if you would stop doing that, some other would do it instead and the forum would go on, and guess what no one would miss you :), so here's what you should do; keep posting and keep arguing, may be a few of us here might 'understand' what you want to say ;)
    i dont know what do you mean by "uglier" but if in entails me throwing rotten eggs and tomatoes at someone on this forum then it certainly isn't my style neither do i have time for it ....... but if it means me getting extremely frustrated with the fact that other members do not even read, let alone understanding, my posts and deduce whatever they want to deduce from it and replying to whatever they think that i have written .... then, my friend, the frustration got me to a point that i decided that there is no point witting any more as "they" are not reading it anyway.
    Hope this 'misunderstaning' doesnt get 'uglier' :)

    Anywaz, as for en Kiyani's letter, there's a thread on it here, search it out.

    History of the forum---it came into existance purely out of the need and desires by the webmaster of this forum to put something up where we can discuss the pakistani defence related issues in comparison to our neighbours and interested parties.
    It was also decided for the forum to be very liberal to different point of views in comparison to other defence related pakistani and indian forums. It has also taken a great effort on the part of webby and his team to keep the profanity and profane members out of here.
    We have members from so many different countries and all walks of lives. We have some current service men from pak mil---at times we have indian mil--u s active duty and personale from other countries. Quiet a few retd milltary officers here---some very very professional ex american millitary personale participate on regular basis and non millitary people as well.
    With membership going over 20 k we really really don't who is whom and then there are a lots of lurkers.
    We also are very cautious of family members of pak millitary and warn them in not to volunteer any info that is not needed.
    Over all it is a well balanced pakistani forum---more of the younger paistani members participate---it is very difficult for most professional pakistanis to open up over here. But we keep trying.
    Even though we try very hard to keep our focus and keep the discussion very mature, sometimes the younger members get carried away. Anyway---that is the gist of your query.
    well many guys are weapon systems enthusiasts as they love the defence side, so they know about things. As you can see its a defence related forum, so definitely it will attract those guys who are into such things, many learn here and many learn from internet and then share it here.

    Well we have many Indian members, more Indians then even Pakistani members, so it may tell you how much popular this forum is among them too. But the best forum i have heard is the Bharat Rakshak Forum. Rest don't know much.
    well such kind of a guy we don't have who is doing their internet propaganda, neither i don't think there is anything to do propaganda about. Xeric is a TT member, who seems to be currently in the armed forces.

    That is a very interesting question that you have asked---even though I have been here for many years, I never bothered to ask that question myself. So--I will ask this question from the powers to be.
    AoA Sir, well connected in what sense ?? We do have i believe serving officer, retired too from PA, even have USA retired veterans, and then guys with military family background. It would depend what is the query you have to ask.

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