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  • oh wow.. let me just tell you than... plz don't hang around here its not good for personal development.. lolll... also.. chillout.. away from politics... this place is good for having a laugh.. but don't take it too seriously.. i mean yeah.. lotta kids come here and flame and stuff.. usually twigs who have to stay behind computer because outside in real world the other kids kick their *** lolll... geeky kidss if ya know wat i mean... but you're a good decent kid.. so my advice dun hang around here too much and if u do just have fun!! real world is not like this.. i have lot of pakistani and indian friends also.. no one gives damn bout politics.. we all go out hit the clubs.. have fun.. ;)
    I am amature Astronomer about to finish GCSE in astronomy among others subjects. and yes i do agree she has great veiw point she is a smart girl and she is even a better person
    ahthanks ofr clearing it up anyway =D. anyway i have nothing to say other then that so i'll just go and say what do you do for a living :P randome question yes ? well i am randome oh and hi =p
    I still think rig vedic aryans were not idol worshipers because thats what the professors are saying and it makes sense too, i send those hymns which oppose idol worshiping to ajtr and i think he has blocked me, he is not brave enough to hear the truth
    Then according to you all the people before islam came were hindu, i can give write here about history of hinduism but its too long, hinduism developed around 8th century not according to me but according to indian professor
    oh please, hinduism develped much later, Rudra, a Vedic deity later identified with Shiva, is indeed referred to as Pasupati because of his association with the cattle, but asceticism and meditation were not Rudra's specialties nor is he usually credited with an empathy for animals other than kine. More plausibly, it has been suggested that the Harappan figure's heavily horned headgear bespeaks a bull cult, to which numerous other representations of bulls lend substance
    Then why is it not a single Hindu idol/temple has been excavated from the Rig Vedic Aryan period.
    This is exactly what i am saying rig vedic aryans were nature worshiper just like iranian aveston aryans. Iranians and rig vedic aryans were very close and even they didn't worship idols, it is only for ganga valley
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