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  • Feelings in the Muslim world run so high on these issues that little distinction is made between what a thing IS and what it is CALLED, so no argument at all has been made whether such "illegal activities" could be judged proper and just. There is no debate.

    Yet how can there be justice without prosecution AND defense? Changing that means working towards a more just society. Isn't that what a Pakistani nationalist wants?
    Do you consider yourself the type of person Jinnah warned about, an Islamist in nationalist clothing?
    I might have the opportunity to visit Pakistan some day. I am retired, have the time and money to do it. But, my wife is afraid. We'll see...
    Thanks for your kind words. I am an American patriot AND, I love Pakistan! Peace be with you.

    ok i'll make a thread about the egyptian army in shaa allah but not know i am going to my university early tomorrow and it is 3.00 am :( ,,,,what section should i put the new thread?
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