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  • oh and just to anoye you. I honestly beleive that you can't defend "atheism" against me and i can easily defend Christianty and islam against you. Infact i am so sure of that i acctuly challange you to a debate next time your online.

    I beleive you'll just get mad and start swearing rather then dealing with the acctul point.

    So what do you say ash :P?
    thanks... :)

    but abhi kaafi time hai. but wont make much diffrence because he lives on the lower floor. so i would just be shifting floors :D haha
    yoh DW i won't be on PDF anymore i had my fiar share of this site but its getting boring now and i am really busy so see you on msn.

    but how ever i'll try if a question is posted on my profil page but i won't be posting.

    Mkay see you around
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