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  • Please remove that evil pig as Your DP, its revolting and it is depreciating my PDF experience..
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    Let's troll the RSS pajeets for one more day.
    Cuzz You and I are Soldiers in the same struggle as it seems!
    You don't worry. We are all brothers and have the same goals.
    I hope that you change your avatar, which currently displays the face of a terrorist. Whatever your underlying reason, I think it is in bad taste.
    He is a reality. Why hide it? Let's remind our enemies graphically that they aren't angels.
    They want you to hide the reminder on who the real terrorists are. Don't remind them, they will get angry and start telling you off on your profile.
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    Omar Al-Deek
    Omar Al-Deek
    Ah okay. I misunderstood. I don't agree but now I understand.
    I sincerely apologize for my earlier very harsh response. I really mean that. So please forgive me.. please. We both are entitled to our opinions. I just came on the forum to apologize. that's it. I will be more careful if ever in the future.
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    If there was no Pakistan military, there would have been visa free policy with india (as suggested by noon league in the past, and demanded by MQM etc.) and Pakistan would have only existed on paper. Pakistan would have been filled with Indians. Thanks to Pakistan armed forces and ISI, we have a sovereign country. Politians would have sold us out.
    Arab world has really corrupt leaders but no nationalistic military. The result is in front of us. With these rulers, this is what will happen in the arab world. Still average arab is not happy with all this. They never had a proper democracy. They don't know what to do. Plus west has some control there.
    Anyway, I have not slept for now almost 20 hours so please lets not discuss it. Lets end it on good terms. I won't be here much anyway. I am longing off now. Take care.
    Thank you dear brother for your astounding posts on the topic of Pak-KSA deteriorating relations.

    I am your new fan, and will be looking forward to your future posts.

    Jazak Allahu khairan.
    Brother just leave these guys. Better to report. Soft warning means they dont want to ban you, understand. Mods are ours.
    Who likes my new avatar? :)
    Sir, isn`t this the vile policeman who is responsible for killing George Floyd?
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    He is brother. The vile person who thinks that he should rule over the rest like his far right brothers.
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    Reactions: Ivan
    The video of him putting knee over Floyd`s neck and strangulating him is pure evil. If I had been there while he was doing that, I would have surely committed a crime by kicking this criminal in the head.

    Poor Floyd kept begging for water and air.
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    Reactions: Dalit
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