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  • Salaam bro :)
    thank you for the kind words... I enjoy staying here a lot among you awesome people and Pakistan is very dear to me, so thnx
    and have a very nice day!
    was good Credere. LOl thanks for checking them out. Those are pics my mom took when she went back home to Swat. We love army so we home bout 20+ lol. the little ones my bro, and the rest are Jawans..
    Thankyou--the management doesnot like my style---and I am too old to change. It is difficult to teach an old dog new tricks.
    i didn\'t know...........this is my first forum...dont know much about computers or net..actually...i\'m not interested in internet very much....
    ok understood....i\'m sorry....didn\'t know it n didnt mean it...........will not use it further......
    creder ....i didn\'t understand what racist thing i said............
    man!..dont accuse me without saying reasons...
    Good question regarding the SU-30, there are many reasons; firstly, the Russian airforce preferes air superiority over multirole, hence pak-fa vs fg-fa, next we are ordering the SU-34's which has greater payload, range, and endurace, that alone it a better platform over the basic SU-30 at least for the RAF. We have also ordered 48 SU-35's which is by far the most advanced Flanker. Moreover, we have ordered Mig-29k's and the pak-fa is not too far away.
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