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  • Plz calm down, I don't want a highly respectable member to get banned. I love Turks, Turkey and Erdogan. Again, I would never be a hypocrite. Just look how I treat others here. Anyway, I understand your anger but no problem.
    Hey!!! Whats wrong with you?
    I will never say sorry or pull my words back to the most members here because I ment them, and the last thing would be is a hypocrite. This the first time I say sorry since 5 years in this forum, thats because I really didn't meant a word of them.
    arkadasim anliyom, ama...

    bøyle salaklik yapilirmi ya. adam Stoch tam macin en iyisindeyken cikarir, Christian beni cikar derken Alexi cikarir ondan sonra gel de sinirlenme!

    yok arkadasim, bu adam daha agir kufur hak ediyor.
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