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  • Your I think is pathetic thinking not of any standard you promotion of liberty has resulted in people indulging as free sex you have always taken this word and used it to portray women and as sex subjects and resulted in people getting involved in sex and sex with many many people and also other corruptions the ***** has started to take over your society
    No sir in Islam it is pathetic to be liberal liberalism have corrupted societies and done nothing else the increase of rapes and homosexuality and aids in India is prove of the so called liberalism corruption
    Friend I do understand on the other threads you are calm and fair but it seems on the sri lanka issues you can get emotional and angry ?
    hey ashok this is vignesh....
    Do i need to open a separate thread to inform that i had changed my user name?
    yes and Gujrat you killed Muslims in Orissa you killed Christian and in Orissa Sikhs in Punjab sir you have the most brutal history in the world you have burned women alive for centuries and still continue to do so in many areas
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