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  • dear Arsalan plz if u cant answer them leave them and i only gave my point of view and its always in relevant threads As i not your date of birth kiddo i will only say grow up
    Don't worry Arslan bro...I think Pakistan time will soon come.Just hope this WOT ends soon so our economy recovers and we can buy some gadgets (Some good jet!)
    Arslan there is pleny of information out there if you have questions I suggest you do some research and then ask some more specific questions. what you asked was already in the thread.
    Sir you may recheck my post,i never said jf17 had no chance against the mig21,infact i said the other way round......thnx
    Hi there,

    Theoretically you should address the question to Webmaster:) And I believe there is already a thread talking about post pics.

    You should copy and paste the URL in a pop-up window after clicking ‘insert image’ icon (with mountains and a sun) on your advanced reply window. After you OK it, the URL will be sandwiched between <IMG> tags in your text file.

    Hope it helps.
    I don't sit infront of a computer 24/7 and I will respond accordingly.

    You don't have to worry, they are challenging a losing point.
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