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  • Hello Armstrong, Salam, I like your posts and your neutral point of view in most situations, I'm sending you a friend request.

    Edit: It appears we are already friends. LOL.
    yeap, agreed!!
    thats what i think, this is not the reason, instead of blaming the coach, we must focus to bring in quality!!
    yeah, really!
    n what about manager?? your view? if he staying or should he be sacked?
    i don't think saying him good bye will result in wonders until n unless we do get hands on some quality midfielders and perhaps a striker as well
    Don't get me wrong, you are always wellcome between us. Most of Turks including me have love and respect for the people of Pakistan.

    I just told you Im not feeling very comfortable with all that flaming in the section. My girlfriend is coming from a very religious family and im from a family that they would call Kemalist. I am very used to this kind of things. I just don't want it here.
    I didn't mean to offend you in any way, but it's obvious that the religionic debates are dominating the Turkish Defence section and people are getting personal, cursing each other randomly.

    There is a lot more generalizing. People who defend Atatürk's principals are being alienated, treated like kafirs atheists etc. Im sick and tired of this I just wanna talk about military strategy and technical things if possible.
    this season transfers didnt worked at all. either it be Adam or Downing!
    we need a play maker, Gerrard need a strong and equally good back up (though difficult to find someone of SteveG 's class)
    striker will be the next step.
    first LFC need to focus on midfield and try n bring in some attacking midfielders who can grab some of the attention of oppositions defense lines and play well in coordiantion with the forwards.
    the SteveG and Torressr combination comes to mind, but, ALAS!!
    Liverpool 2011-2012 season seem to have come to a devastating finish!

    wonder will they finish even in top 10 this time

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