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  • Oh, can you restate that ranking? I would like to see it again. I think you do make some good points, and think your lists over.
    Ah, I see. I was just curious as to how the average Iranian is affected because of this ungoing "sanctions and undercover war".

    Also, I remember you making a list of the "Top 10 Armies" and you put Pakistan at 6, why was that?
    Ah, ok. Is life getting tougher there due to all the international and outside pressure and sanctions?
    Sorry bro.....could not keep trolling with you yesterday......my internet data usage got over (I use a pre-paid data plan)
    lol sorry
    you didn't post much so I forgot about you.

    Faghad tovo, Ardeshiro oon yaroo tabarestan az Iran defa mikardin. Toro yadam rafte bood, Tabarestanam engilisish khoob nabood majboor shodam begam Ardeshir lol
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