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  • -DET: But it wouldn't make a difference to you. -Boy: No, their reputation. Persecution by the Marginalized-Oppressed alliance is never new.
    -Boy: Waking up the sleeping does not help them. It doesn't do them any good, and it's not that we spread awareness of the recent history.
    -DET: What did the wolf refer to? -Boy: Chaos bringing. If things go wrong, PC tends to blame the nearest guy not sitting on a wheelchair.
    "And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people." -Rev (13:13)
    "Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon." -Rev (13:11)
    "If anyone is to go into captivity, they will go to it. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, they will be killed with it." -Rev (13:10)
    -Boy: 007 is pretty much everyone inside the simulated reality. It gets worse when left untreated. It eventually hits the place of origin.
    -DET: So this is what made confrontation with 007 expected. -Boy: In fact, it made taking beats of 007 till the last moment inevitable.
    -Boy: There lies the problem. It's uncertain. It's basically someone biting just to have the final say. With, or without a worthy reason.
    -DET: Why not? -Boy: They are winning-oriented and can't see whether you are trying to help or hurt them. -DET: What does winning mean here?
    -DET: And why? -Boy: I don't know. They either call him crazy, stupid, wood, heretic or even ba***rd. Don't waste any time challenging that.
    -Boy: Whenever one comes to help the people, the government would get what they want for their selfish interests and then throw him aside.
    -Boy: People in Idlib, Yemen, Libya, Palestine, Iraq, Syria were stuck in abusive realities. Government claims they are too stupid to live.
    -Boy: They don't even understand what I say in what's supposed to be their own language. -DET: Are constructed worlds real? Do they exist?
    -Boy: 007 behaves like why do you exist? Why do you even breathe? Love? Peace? Why do this? Why do that? Such is self-defence from a threat.
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