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  • We don't believe in "hope". We believe in logic, and logic says none of the politicians/bombers can save us from Arab Spring.
    You don't get to eliminate a threat when you are the source of it. (...and prolongs them in their transgression while they wander blindly).
    If u don't speak the language, u won't understand the song & see past choices. Nuclear tyrants don't make disasters, an unarmed person does?
    Who would swap thousands of homes/lives for cash?. Assad doesn't know that killings are unexplained, that threat source is from his home.
    With magic arts, they prevent someone from doing what they're supposed to do. About time, they get a red moon and victims are blamed for it.
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    And BTW, the only way for us to know whether Jesus crucifixion was as good as the onion in mid-spring time is to look out the window. Are things heading for what is better or what is worse? Unexplained killing always is, sir! killing always is!
    :) can't understand much.
    It's okay. In fact, even others claimed we are withholding information and once we spoke they said they don't understand our language. So imagine how it feels to be crushed by rulers who barely know you, constantly.
    Someday, we will have to beg European refugees to allow us to help them achieve "their" dream. Maybe they'll stop killing us for no reason.
    Most people do what they do (studying, working, etc) because they love it. It's not because they are constantly bombed by military men.
    If Assad insists that the prisoners are still hiding something after those years, he knows for sure how to make them speak.
    If Moon goes red and Sun goes dark. A "crazy sorcerer" tries to fix it or by dropping 10,300lb of wisdom as they did to Nagasaki. #Proactive
    If they think survival is impossible without a Bar Lev Line, they build another one themselves. #WannabeOppressed
    Democracy is far better than having a group of people who constantly kill you, displace you for no reason.
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