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  • -DET: Didn't have a car, why deny an offer? -Boy: I didn't want a car, I wanted high blood pressure inducers to stop committing mischief...
    They won't hate gambling as long as it doesn't backfire. We have always been victims of gamblers, the latest is what some call Arab Spring.
    -DET: They contributed more than you. -Boy: Biting isn't contribution. But thanks for depression, schizophrenia, more other contributons.
    -Boy: Even for things you manage to sort out yourself, they'll end up believing they did some miracle and you should be grateful, for pain.
    -DET: Things can be risky. -Boy: They've always been. We didn't get anything but pain, it's always pain. It's time to leave us alone.
    -DET: They said no more deals to be made. -Boy: What deal? We don't make deals with someone who knows he's wrong, from his head to his toe.
    Now that they are safe, UN own-house keepers will be there for tailgating. Haven't spent life getting bitten, noobs on the "curse" subject.
    -Boy: They did it to us and we have forgiven. But we knew it wasn't the end of troubles, and we can't be blamed for not knowing the future.
    -Boy: If it was you, what would you have done to me? -DET: Well, I don't know. Skin you, impale you, maybe burn you? I can't help it.
    -Boy: Now imagine if I, as a Muslim, fly a warplane into the middle of Rome and once crashed, I go out saying let peace begin with you guys.
    -Boy: If this is how they see us then, please, no wonder why we're mass slaughtered on regular basis. Anything, everything is sexual desire!
    -Boy: And woman/love represent responsibility towards people/land. Too much intense but all they see is "sexual desire" or "wet dreams".
    -DET: And what's wrong with that? -Boy: Anything that PM/people say/do will affect both me and my people. They do/say, we get punished.
    -Boy: They had a belief that's alien to us. -DET: Like? -Boy: Using name of a PM and a remote country to refer to you and your people...
    -DET: Is it true you killed the mods, soft kill? -Boy: No. They tried to kill me. To us, sucking blood of others is like being born "dead".
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