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  • Its OK brother, I am not saying you have done it deliberately, nor would have your uncle. Being common masses none us have seen the Rooza-e-Mubarak, but a lot of people have seen the tomb of Imam Roomi and even have taken pictures of it, so they have recognized it and debunked the dirty conspiracy right away. Your uncle would also have been mislead that way! Please inform him about the truth and tell him to send the emails to all to those people,whom he have sent these pictures, so as to rectify his mistake and also others do not become tools of spreading wrong information.

    I haven't deleted it so others can see that this is wrong. Ever since I started surfing the net, this lie has been spreading around. The truth is, I think there is not a single photograph known to public of the real roza-e-rasool.
    Walikom assalam brother,
    Yes indeed it is true, and i am quite sure about that. This picture was released by some ill wishers of our religion to misguide the people. It is in fact the tomb of Imam roomi. There was also a thread somewhere on PDF which cleary debunked this conspiracy. Please don't spread it anymore.

    Yup google up Roomi's Mausoleum. I think its in Turkey. You'll see the exact same things.
    You should be given honored Citizenship of Pakistan - You're a great Pakistani Supporter!
    Zakir - I edited your post on the 'ease visa rules' thread. The language was completely uncalled for and unlike you. Please refrain from it in the future.

    We hope that you are enjoying your life and living a healthy and happy life with grace of God.

    Dear Sir,

    I want your friendship if you are interested..........
    Why i want friendship with you and other persons coz i like Army, Navel, etc..... Persons I don't know why i like but really i like these persons for Advices, friendships, own stories etc......

    If you are response to me its highly pleasure for me I like your sociality.

    Thanks for reading
    Ali Raza
    Walikam Salaam,

    Yes I have many Bangladeshi friends and none of them try to be Indians. I think Indians love to live in their fantasy world.
    Zakir Bhai, Congrats on becoming Elite member. Now we have more powerful Zakir with Purple badge. Keep on the your lovely fireworks!!!!!! Oh I forget to mention, not on hostile forces but on celebrations of your Elite Membership, Lol.

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