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  • Hi, I was just watching that on Shamshad TV, brother I don't see it a wrong move they were kids even any court in the world can't give them any penalty but that's good to see Karzai also provided them scholarships to Turkey! but yeah it's not guaranteed that they will not return to their camps again and even by hanging these children the problem will not be solved; a full scale operation is needed against their well wishers and trainers!

    @Rakshak: Have you seen the map of Gandhara? Do you really know where it was located?
    I guess the thread got deleted. However Hinduism has been in Afghanistan prior to invasions.


    The word "Afghan" is a corrupt word of from a Sanskritic tribal name, Aśvaka, used in reference to the Kambojas in antiquity. The Arabic Afġān is an adaptation of the Prakritic form अवगाना (Avagānā), as used by Varahamihira in his Bṛhat Saṃhitā in 6th century CE. Since the Middle Ages, "Afghan" has been used as a synonym for Pashtun, while the native name for the ethnic group is "Pashtun".

    History freak I know :P

    But yeah Gandhara what is now Kandahar was one of the first Hindu/Buddhist cities to convert to Islam. Then the invasion of Sindh (modern day pakistan) etc etc.

    Here's the map of ancient India. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_India
    oh yes its going to get tougher every passing year, until winter Ramadan is back, as for now it would be a little shorter than that of in UK...hehe
    may Allah make it easy for us...
    the poor will suffer, like they always do. the government is only for corruption... tch ! perhaps we may get away with it... lets see...

    so you had the best time of the year, with family and friends and ofcourse by being home once again in the environment familiar, where you can have full relaxing moments, tension free :) its always good to be home... isnt it? and its best to be cut off from cities once a while...is it that your laghman is a plain area? not a mountainous one?
    I hope the reconciliation process continues, and Afghanistan becomes what it used to be... and gear up with the modern time.
    I see, how was your trip ? hope things are improving in Afghanistan, pretty much the same here... its quite rainy though, monsoon struck with full swing, and I fear floods... :(
    oye yar, where have you been ?? long time no see on pdf. I hope everything is fine...
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