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AgNoStiC MuSliM

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  • Just signed in after a long time, but want to say thank you for the link and the info. Good luck with your school =)
    Why should i be careful what i wish for??

    I did it for my own interest, and for the interest of the forum.

    warm regards
    Ah yes. I can relate to that. I was going through the same situation a couple of weeks back! Finally done with all the "Educational" crap lol.

    Your presence is surely missed! Return soon :tup:

    I need to pick on your brains, if you would allow me. I am writing an essay on talibans and their claim on Pakistan (in light to whats been happening recently). Would you be able to guide me in what I need to research on in order to do this essay. As in what areas I have to research. I am kind of lost and thats why I am asking you because you seem to have quite a bit of knowledge.

    Many thanks in advance :)
    You deleted when I opened the thread for kargil war and guess what it's been opened by soneone else. Your take? Regards
    Please delete my thread 'Should PAF participate in 2009 Red Flag air comabt exercise?' It's a duplicate.
    i dont see how they were offensive i didnt make any threats and didn't violate any forum rules, just because i have a different opinion than other people doesnt mean they should have been deleted
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