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  • I'm generally impressed by how members have be made "involved" with the forum itself - I think that's a super idea and I hope it contributes to giving the forum a kind of media legitimacy - that would be a excellent development.

    Most of the new mods are not just superb, they are really, really good, with critical and thought provoking articles - I always thought that mods should be leaders in the sense that they should highlight items and trends that other members can focus and discuss -- also if you compare what defense.pk has been able to do in this regard, I think you have been very successful - other than the usual spoilers, mostly newbie Indian posters and juvenile Pakistani posters, I find the discussions very constructive - so excellent job and I wish the forum much success - If I may, I would like to suggest we attract more US, European, defense guys and gals, I think they can offer a persepective, even if a human one, I mean in the sense that they are men and women doing their duty - I think that can help humanize for forum members, individuals who for the most part go unrecognized.
    Sir, a query
    I have seen alot of members from pakistan posting verses/lines from koran shareef or daily cliches in Urdu, which most of Non muslim members cant read.
    Are indians allowed to post lines in hindi, marathi , punjabi or their mother tongue?
    AM, I have seen that my thread on radar development was deleted and the reason quoted.. "Reason: I'm pretty sure there is an LCA sticky at the top of this page".

    But actually that report contains the information on the AESA development of LRDE for various fighters service with IAF, which was a separate contract and only a part of it ( AESA for LCA ) is highlighted as main news. So I thought it should be discussed separately..

    Misuse of authority.

    Taimi khan send me a message that had he been emotional he could have banned me. I replied to him jokingly that had he been not emotional he woudnt have bothered to care about my individual opinion.

    He banned me with the reason, "This is what professional mods do".

    This yet again proves that he acts out of spite in some cases. But anyways it was not my point to prove. He himself initiated the discussion and banned me for sharing my opinion.


    Here is an excerpt:


    See thats the point taimikhan. You are too eager to use your authority unlike blain2 or AM. You banned me for replying to YOUR comments. The discussion which I never started and was not interersted in (unless discussed in proper forums).

    Well, mod or supermod is not my concern actually, but I do have my opinion. You may or may not like it. I should not hold back my opinion for the fear of you banning me. I bet had it been anyone else on this forum, he would not have acted out of spite.

    Plus Not open to self criticism but thats actually your problem..

    BAN me again but again it proves my point.

    Edit:- I hope you lift the ban on my true ID. Because you made me reply to it and express my opinion.
    I was attempting to discuss a South Asia wide discussion. However merge them if you see that it would not be an expansive topic in itself.
    an admin now :)

    proud of you bro. I have always enjoyed your well-though out posts; you were a great moderator and i'm glad u are promoted now
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