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  • you look too feminine- you also look like you are 5 feet tall. btw why not get the hell out of the US back to your china. I'm sure you will find a job waiting tables there too.. and , people don't put thier mugs online , that too- one that looks as " girlish" as you.
    I know it can be really annoying. People always say some crap to win arguments. Hate always feeds off each other.

    Hey thanks for asking! I am working freelance on a few projects now. Hoping to get some interview call in a few months. Is everything Ok there?
    I would say its more an envy than hate. China has obviously developed better and faster than India due to various reasons. Indians want to compete with the Chinese . Most Indians respect the Chinese which is born out of the recent achievements of the Chinese. Apart from that India's are wary of China's relation with Pakistan and the border border disputes.
    Most of the Chinese and Indians come to this forum with a friendly attitude towards each other. But as time progresses they will turn against each other. That's what I have been seeing here. The challenge lies in not changing your stand just because an Indian spews hatred on Chinese or vice-versa. I would love to share what I know about my culture and know about China's. Hope you have a good time in this forum ! :)
    I have a question
    I want to involve in the field of missiles airplanes aerofighters

    can you tell me the name of that field?

    aeronautics or something else?

    lol.. That's my painting. I am an artist.

    Good to know that there are still Buddhists in China.
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