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  • Sir ji Salamo alaikum how are u long time no see. Hope all is well with you.
    Its not good that you closed my thread. And used strong words towards me.
    I just tried to inform about what happened and why.
    hi adios.. please ban "gourav singh" for gods sake... he is scamming all over PDF
    Assalam u alaikum.
    Kia hal hai?

    Cant see you on the forum.
    Its been like ages.

    Sab theek thaak hai na?

    I have a question! Is it okay to have an "Avator" like S_O_C_O_M have ?? I think that avator is highly offensive towards my nation! Is'nt it? Kindly need your views on this....:|
    Sir ji I should but I am asking you this are you going to ban that jack @## ashok321 for the comment he had made.
    So what do you want.

    have you ever heard something called - Freedom of speech !!!!!!

    I object your interference. Do you own this web site ?

    I you like or do not like - I care hoot for that and I will express my free thinking without caring for this message.

    Do not send such messages to me. I do not like such language
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