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Abu Zolfiqar
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  • Was in Lahore until recently, am off on another biz trip right now. Which exams are you appearing for? By the way, where are you currently based, and do you swing by Lahore at all?
    Jigar, taking some time off over x-mas, and the amber nectar flowing, those reversals are certainly making INNER WAVES. !!
    In additions, Most probablt, The some of those Yobaz's are not a real Turk but camouflaged under Turkish flag to spread their hatret senses about turkish military, education system and some other things that hurts their feeling.

    Forgive me but I generally do not want to enter politic debates as long as It makes me obliged. Let Yobaz's talk about whatever they want. As you see they are just making cheap anti-army and Republic propaganda. It is the neccesity of their politic ideology mixed with so called Islamic comprehension.
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