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    me fine whos you a1kaid

    i am not intrested like before but a part of forum only now.
    Thanks brother for your kind appreciation and encouragement. Thank you so much brother. Keep in touch brother.

    Well, okay. The weather here is in summer pretty hot and in winter very cold. School facilities are very good here and the people here are also nice. Lots of dating happens here in Germany and the most Germans aren't much religious. Here in Germany are many Turkish living so there are many jokes about Turkishs ;)... Something else you want to know?
    hey friend, can u PM me the full article the link u posted(copy/paste), bcoz, i couldnt open the site, and obviously the link, i wait for ur PM!!!
    Aslaamullakum bro.
    I have tried to add you as a friend.....i dont really know how it works
    Press all the buttons and hope
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