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  • Asoka long time no see. Haven't heard from you for a while. Anyway, I hope that J-10 3D TVC was a good Christmas present ...
    A "mad mod" has banned me. I can't post anymore. Happy Holiday!
    Maybe ask deino for forgiveness or something?
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    As a high bypass turbofan engine, can you speculate its true performance? BTW, the 140-160KN sounds by far too low, since its core derives from the WS-10, but it cannot almost have the same thrust with a low bypass turbofan engine like the WS-10. I think its true performance should be over 200KN, quite close to the Soviet D-18T.

    I think it is possible that China will use 6 WS-20 engines to power the An-225.
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    I doubt. WS-20 has no after burner.
    C-17 Powerplant: 4 × Pratt & Whitney F117-PW-100 turbofan engines, 40,440 lbf (179.9 kN) thrust each
    Ok, I do fully believe you now. You have been tagged by Deino as a fanatic who spreads the misinformation, but you now need to be absolutely exonerated.

    Yes, the J-20 is indeed using the WS-15, and your 210KN estimation is probably correct based on the latest WS-15 model.

    IMO, WS-15-1 = 180KN WS-15-2 = 210KN
    until then china will have to play defense not offense, forget about lank attack. history has shown, its a very costly business.
    The OBOR business will inadvertently change China's military stance. Since now you lead the globalization, the US has gradually withdrawn from it, then you have to increase your military presence around the global. This is intrinsic. Sometimes, this does not even follow China's own wish, since China has been pushed in the front by the world to lead the new era of the globalization.
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    If China uses its power and military wisely, then it won't get exhausted prematurely like the US.
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    I'm confused as to why you believe thrust vectoring is so imperative for the J-20? There are many shortcomings associated with TVC ... just look at the Su-30MKI
    I don't have time to answer your question, in a proper way. A good friend of mine is in town for a visit. We are spending much time hiking and cycling together. May be you can tell me what are the many short comings of using TVC, and we can start from there.
    Energy bleeding. Increased weight of engines. Complicated FCS ...
    @Asoka, do you still believe in your WS-15 theory even after the WS-10X revelation? Bc it seems you aren't posting very often anymore ... quite unfortunate
    Don't forget F-22 and F-35 both have very powerful engine, and FC-31 got RD-33.
    That's too harsh ... the FC-31 will get the WS-13. But those RD-33 are very smoky tho
    "That's too harsh ... " I don't think so. This WS-13 is a weak engine. It will not do. dry thrust: 51.2 kn; max thrust: 86.37 kn
    Congrats to Amadeus. May he excel at a pastime music hobby like Mozart.
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    Yes, I married late at age 44, and I am already 48. Most of my friend's kids are graduating from high school. And my daughter haven't even enter pre-school yet. "Yes indeed I was lucky a bit celebrating my "victory" (LOL), " Enjoy your victory celebration, while Asoka is preoccupied with his new born son. I already saw a big flaw with the the WS-10B installed on the J-20 for the first time, argument.
    Indeed quite late. I have one son; he's a sophomore (high school) currently and I'm almost 10 years younger than you! LOL ... nothing wrong with late marriage though ... much better than having kids young
    LOL. When I was in the hospital when my daughter was born, an muslim asked me, if I was there to see my grand daughter.
    Why do your flags show you're from Canada originally because you said you're from China originally. Confused.
    I always like the name Asoka better, it's the name of the Indian Emperor, who became a buddhist. I just found out that I can change the username on PDF.
    Asoka the great was from the Maryuan or Gupta empire? Cannot remember ...
    Ashoka ( English: /əˈʃoʊkə/; IAST: Aśoka; died 232 BCE)[5] was an Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty, who ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent from c. 268 to 232 BCE.
    we're brothers, not going to back off from an ignorant foreign trash and a hanjiang team to oppress us here
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    Thanks Bro. Keep up the good fight. Yes, hang those "hanjiang".
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    The Avatar looks like an interesting thread. Don't worry about disclosing military secrets too much. The emphasis of China's strategy has shifted into Detering wars from happening. So it must show some muscle to the US neocons. IMO.
    (... Continued from previous comment)

    So, America actually looks up to China (AoW, Jin Yong, etc.) They belittle her publicly b/c of their small-sized ego!

    (BTW, I'm one of those ppl who think a German mod reading forum posts, never b4 seen a J-20 in real life, knows better than the engineers and military officials in the divisions that deployed them, is a sort of farcical joke worthy of ROTFLOL!)
    Yes, I think Deino and Parkistanipower is one of those people who has very little logical reasoning skills. And he is a Chemistry teacher.
    (... Continued from previous comment)

    (BTW, for anyone familiar with Jin Yong's works here's the proof STAR WARS came from them: Name the only story in the world where a boy (Anakin) marries someone older (Padme) in a forbidden love relationship, and by the time they swore hand in marriage before the altar, Anakin had already lost his arm? Do I hear The Return of the Condor Heroes?)

    (Continued in next comment)
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