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Zia's death anniversary today

Pes.ZIA was one of the greatest leader of the subcontinent and the muslim world as a whole.
Allah(swt) sends good leader once in a while to every country and he was BD's erdogan and Mahtir. If he
had lived another 10 more years BD would have been a different country today with functional
democracy like the west. He is the guy who reinstated multiparty democracy in BD.

He dropped the unconditional appology crap from PAK and enhanced relation with almost all muslim
countries. Very special relation was established with KSA and he gifted neem trees to KSA which
people in KSA now calls zia tree. All in all he was a one of a kind leader who knew the friends and
enemy's of the turmoil engulfed new country.

lol Indian trolls farting out loud. Before you fart out such crap like a ignorant fool do little research.
It was Brigadier khaled mosraff who overthrew the gov of Khondaker Mostaq before a sepahi-
janata popular uprising overthrew Brigadier khaled mosraff and bought ZIA in power. ZIA came
via popular revolution with people support at a very delicate time for the country. Pres ZIA is
the one who reinstated multiparty democracy in BD . And BTW search up "bakshal" in google before farting out loud again.

La Bong dada on his troll mission as usual. Have some shame before spouting retarded lies.

Only a bigoted awamiindian shameless dalal will spout such rubbish about Pres.ZIA, the only
leader in BD that enjoy's unanimous support and respect. Did your awami infested brain forgot
that ZIA held national elections in 1979. Typical awami bigot.
They Even Forget, " Hasu Apa ( Seikh Hasina ) "
Was Brought By Zia .
Not Only That, It Was Pakistan Army & Govt Who Take Care Hasina In I.P.G.M.R (BSMMU ) During Her Pregnancy,Distributes
Sweets When Joy Was Born.
But Today Hasina & Her Follower Shamelessly Say Things Against Zia & Pakistan :sniper:
Interesting ! Can you explain that a bit more ?
Please find out that Jinnah never got out of BRIT'S grip, although he wrestled throughout the life. His altered-perception/descendent as Muslim renegade, especially after 1930's negation of Muslim's minority's right by Congressite in Indian parliament was coincidental with BRIT'S conception of leaving Sub-Continent to alleviate financial burden that had occurred by eating up WW1's cost.

Finally, physical presence in Sub-Continent became impossible by BRITS during WW11 since its national debt rose to astronomical number thus decision was made to leave it but anti- Prophetic/Masonic Empire’s eternal enemy, Muslims would be made ultimate loser by giving the rise of Hindu proxies. So anti-Prophetess’s favoritism toward Hindus/Sikhs led them to forewarn, prepare their leaders to unite princely states to merge with IND, have upper hand in Bengal and Punjab's riot, and annex Junagrah etc.

After the Muslim's segregation was completed by 1947's partition, Jinnah's utility got expired thus he was let die without proper treatment IMO. His flag bearer, L I Khan's gutsiness wasn't liked by Masons, so he was killed and killer remained mysterious up until today. Then to erode Muslim's power further, GHQ became center of conspiracy. Expert of those matters like Alamgir Mohiuddin of BD once stated that AYUB was trying to snatch power since 1948-49 and finally succeeded in 1958. His emphasis on SEATO, SANTO earn a lot of goodies and within a decade PAK became 'Namuna of Developing World' but the tradeoff was non-flourishing of democratic institutions, which PAK lacked from the very beginning and IND took a gigantic lead by inhering, continuing it. No wise statesman that had understanding of grass-roots, pulse of people would make such tradeoff. So, understandably, conspirators had succeeded in exploiting wrongly-informed, brain-washed masses to break the country up. After Yahiya’s utility got expired, Bhutto became leader of broken PAK and 73's constitution was given impetus. But again army snatched the power to discontinue institutional flourish. And after Zia's death, democracy came back but it was thwarted by Mush's drama. Again when his usage ended, even bigger democratic puppet was brought to power. So, no root took its depth in last 65 yrs and after every new power-player’s emergence from the previous one, misery multiplied to lead the masses to the last ebb of their defence.

I guess, the above citation would lead thoughtful soul-searchers to go as back as to find out that the Class-Struggle or Fight between True-lie/Prophetic-Masonic is the history of the world, thanks.
He sounds like a good leader; I, unfortunately, haven't had the chance to read up on him but I'd be sure to do now. A question, if you will : How is a looked upon by Awami League supporters and consequently the majority of Bangladeshis. I'm assuming that majority of Bangladesh supports the Awami League.

@ What are you talking man !!!!! I find you are still raw about Bnagladesh politics.

@ If you remove the minority vote from AL it will be like "Fish out of Water".

@ AL is artificially in power. "O din gai ".

@ If at present a free and fair election is held AL at best will get only 30/40 seats out of 300 seats.

@ AL is no more a democreatic party, at best you can call it a "Mafia Party" being financed by the "RAW".

@ No sensible man in Bangladesh supports AL.

@ Killing, raping and kidnapping is common in AL. In this regards state once it is in power directly sponsers it.

@ Never, never believe AL in the true sense.
a group of disgruntled army officers ????

what the hell i was unaware of this fact :angel:

@ This is the version of AL and the RAW. All those who participited in Mujib killing were true "Freedom Fighter". They were the true patriot, a patriot of the highest extent. " Jan hateli pe laykar onone ye kam kia ". I salute them .
Only a bigoted awamiindian shameless dalal will spout such rubbish about Pres.ZIA, the only
leader in BD that enjoy's unanimous support and respect. Did your awami infested brain forgot
that ZIA held national elections in 1979. Typical awami bigot.

I have no animosity against Mr. Zia. I was just pointing the facts.

But bigots does not go by facts but preconceived notion.
Getting caught by age/medication/environment you should now take care of yourself and let the world go like it without you nosing in. The combination of age/medication sometime causes mental disorder that the victim can't feel. All your deliveries come as attack not discussion and you don't have idea over neutral view, open discussion etc. So, please first take care of your mental/physical health, many young chaps roam around on this forum and they may anytime use insulting words towards you. Wish you get free from the cage of age/medication/environment :enjoy: .
PlanetSoldier BRO, so far as far I can imagine, we have only interacted in following posts in brackets, right? From this premise, it is you that has initiated the response then I have only tried to help you to clear your conception. How does it equate to attack you? I'VE gone over and over my posts to find out the existence of any attacking languages but failed, although you have solely thrown insulting comments just to demean me. Now, please do find if have the ability to play 'Tit for tat'? Assuming your answer would be yes; I wouldn't insult but embraces you as bother since your intention seems not bad. See, I don't take things personally as I possess the understanding of nation is bigger than person and globe is bigger than nation. We are in a global/planetary mess thus focus should be on fixing it but not looking for medication's bad impact, thanks

((1.With sheer upsurge of BD MILL's peace keeping in UN missions; it literally lost its venom, core ethos and fighting spirit to become 'King of mercenaries' that was a complete deviation from military's prime rule, i.e. saving country from internal and external enemies. And the economic upliftment that you mentioned had nothing to do in BD's case if you read/observed/understood on how 'Positive current of Global Economy' was let to form in Asian hemisphere. BD mercenary's UN mission, RMG's export boast weren't the means to analyze ends rather poor, dense mass's labor exploitation, skills were. Kalu Bhai, you are brilliant enough to connect these prime issues of economy, global domineering factors with the usefulness of small, manageable entity's inhabitants. IMO, RMG export or serving in UN mission has been causing more damages than betterment of BD but it seems like we are option less at the moment. How we have reached at this point would take rims of papers for me to describe empirically though.
Original PostBy M_Saint

For saving country from internal and external enemies you first need strong leadership, not army. A disciplined army is supposed to abide by the command of supreme commander, they take their oath this way and our army is doing that, we can't blame them blindly. Now what makes you think our army can't save us if we are under strong leadership and people are with them? In 2001 border conflict one Major alone stood before an indian APC with a gun in hand waiting for the high command's decision to jump on enemy. Do you think in 2008 our navy would deploy frigates when Burmese navy guarded a Korean oil exploration ship if Hasina/Khaleda were on power...I believe never, so, it's leadership. I personally know many ones who don't care who the enemy is, if they are ordered to fight, they will. So, your comment is sort of insulting towards army.

Regarding economy please try to have some positive view too.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangla...al-4-lockhead-mc-130e-us-2.html#ixzz1wsN0c3kd

2.For saving country from internal and external enemies you first need strong leadership, not army. A disciplined army is supposed to abide by the command of supreme commander, they take their oath this way and our army is doing that, we can't blame them blindly. Now what makes you think our army can't save us if we are under strong leadership and people are with them? In 2001 border conflict one Major alone stood before an indian APC with a gun in hand waiting for the high command's decision to jump on enemy. Do you think in 2008 our navy would deploy frigates when Burmese navy guarded a Korean oil exploration ship if Hasina/Khaleda were on power...I believe never, so, it's leadership. I personally know many ones who don't care who the enemy is, if they are ordered to fight, they will. So, your comment is sort of insulting towards army.

Regarding economy please try to have some positive view too.
Original PostBy PlanetSoldier

PlanetSoldier, a man that is willing to shoot, with a gun is way more materially-powerful than a defenseless strong leader. Proves are Mush's ousting of Newaz at gunpoint, armless Zia's getting killed by armed Manjur, conniving Ershad/MUA snatching powers by leveraging arm-force's strength. And 'Where the civilian rule ends, martial rule/law start', is the saying of both of its originator. So, who are you trying to convince here by throwing arguments on leadership's willingness? Do you have any idea on BRIT army GENS leading first INDO-PAK war from both sides to plant seed of future discords? What strong leader like Jinnah or Nehru could do to thwart them? As the saying goes like even the sand becomes sacred on where true soldier march’s from, how do you see civilian making such impact? So, don't throw PPP or Kyani or MUA's vhua arguments at me because I'm through it a long ago.

And FUA/MUA being Globalist/India's puppets, boxed us up further by picking an uncalled for show off against Burmese. End result of the entire game was for BD to lose the most lucrative blocs in BOB that contained gas/oil of billion's off $$. Also knowing that the invasion of energy resources was the denominators of drumming up/continuation of bogus WOT, MUA/FUA simply facilitated that to happen. So their empty rhetorics had no real correlation with national gain by any measure.

Lastly, I was one of the first ones to take the mission on honoring BD-MILL in global forums but after country was back-stabbed by them; I lost all the respects toward them. Up until now they didn't rectify to gain it back. And about positivity on economy, honestly there was nothing left over by MUA/RAWamy gongs IMO.

3. Re: Zia's death anniversary today
So far I know first local awami league leader was proposed (maybe that Hannan) to declare the independence but that coward refused that for the fear of life. Later army officer Major Zia took the responsibility to declare. This bal now dances with glory of our independence war. Almost no bal guys were directly involved in war, all were under hideout. And at the end of war came notorious Mujib Bahini who actually started looting that lasted even after war.

BTW, do you have any firm source that says Ershad is behind the killing of Zia? I'm confused, Ershad continued everything initiated by Zia. During Ershad era our relation with China, Saudi Arab and Pakistan got a new height (initiated by Zia). Maybe there was 7 times state level visit by Ershad to China. Pakistan that time gifted 1/2 squadron of F-6 fighters to Bangladesh. If Ershad were influenced by india, how China, Pakistan relation got warmer then?
Original PostBy PlanetSoldier

BTW, do you have any firm source that says Ershad is behind the killing of Zia? I'm confused, Ershad continued everything initiated by Zia. During Ershad era our relation with China, Saudi Arab and Pakistan got a new height (initiated by Zia). Maybe there was 7 times state level visit by Ershad to China. Pakistan that time gifted 1/2 squadron of F-6 fighters to Bangladesh. If Ershad were influenced by india, how China, Pakistan relation got warmer then?

PlanetSoldier, Ershd's continuation of Zia's legacy could be dubbed as cunning fox killing chicken then nurturing her hens by its (fox's) term, understand? Ershd went to train in Dehradun, IND and came back around the same time of Hasian's return from the same country. Now, notorious Dehradun is known as the production facility of RAW's brain children thus Ershd is rightly called the 2nd worst RAW agent in BD. People tell me that even his utensils in kitchen are bought by RAW's money.

Again, please connect the dots on why Manjur, JMB's leaders weren't made public and let die hurriedly with all the secrets? Then find out the reason for Ershd, MUA, FUA's unconditional RAWamy leaning over true nationalists to set the correct investigative track. Later do some research on both Ersh, MUA/FUA's endeavors on making fake nationalists by breaking BNP up but not harming RAWamys? Hope you will get the lead from there on to draw the conclusion, thanks.

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