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Zhuk-AE X-band AESA radar offered to India


Jul 20, 2009
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Russia's Phazotron NIIR corporation said on Thursday it has developed a new-generation airborne radar for MiG-35 fighter jets which participate in the Indian fighter tender.Six major aircraft makers - Lockheed and Boeing from the United States, Russia's MiG, which is part of the UAC, France's Dassault, Sweden's Saab and the EADS consortium of British, German, Spanish and Italian companies - are in contention to win the $10 billion contract for 126 light fighters to be supplied to the Indian Air Force.

One of the selection criteria in the tender is that the fighter's radar must have an active phased array radar with a target detection range of at least 130 kilometers (about 80 miles)."We have met this requirement of the Indian tender and built the Zhuk-AE active phased array radar with a proven range of 148 kilometers," said Vyacheslav Tishchenko, the company's general director.The X-band radar can track 30 aerial targets in the track-while-scan mode, and engage six targets simultaneously in the attack mode.

Tishchenko said the detection range could be increased up to 200 km (125 miles).Russia's MiG-35 Fulcrum-F, an export version of the MiG-29M OVT is a highly maneuverable air superiority fighter, which won high international acclaim.The fighter is powered by RD-33 OVT thrust vectoring engines. The RD-33 OVT engines provide superior maneuverability and enhance the fighter's performance in close air engagements.The first demonstration flights of two MiG-35s in the Indian tender will be carried out in late October-early November in north-eastern India.The aircraft will conduct live-firing tests of on-board weaponry on a testing range in southern Russia in March-April 2010.

I know its MMRCA news, But just wanna know how much strong it will make the case of MIG35??
Your views please..
Does it work? The US has operational AESA radars from many years ....India would be better served to not put all her eggs in the Russian basket.
Of course it does work.How can they offer a radar which does not work..better question would be..is it better then the APG AESA Radar used on F18..?
I too think this time they wont try to sell unfinished goods as this is not a small deal.If they did, they will be out for ever from Indian market. Well I strongly believe this radar works.
Does it work? The US has operational AESA radars from many years ....India would be better served to not put all her eggs in the Russian basket.

Dont worry sir. Russia and america dont have a chance. IAF not impressed by F-18 and F-16 while IAF knows too much of russia stuffs not good. We ordered over 50 more sukhoi-30MKI's and sir have u heard upgradation of mig29? After the upgradation mig29 more or less would be mig35. We dont need to buy mig35. Thank you.
Would prefer to go for a tried and tested system over a newly launched one.. There is very thin line between leading edge and bleeding edge technology.

As far as I am concerned.. its gotta be F 18 SA all the way.. More interested in the diplomatic quid pro quo that will result from that..
Would prefer to go for a tried and tested system over a newly launched one.. There is very thin line between leading edge and bleeding edge technology.

As far as I am concerned.. its gotta be F 18 SA all the way.. More interested in the diplomatic quid pro quo that will result from that..
I dont think so Karan..

F-18 will be a bad decision for us. Just for a reason like AESA or something we shouldnt go for some AC which has an old airframe and not multirole.

This one is going to Europe, cant say EFT or Rafale. but either one of them.
MRCA is not all about Radar. Its just one part of new package in which Indian Air force is interested.
Other subsystem offered like Pirate/Spectra/IRST/OLS/Weapons all combined will decide who will be winner.

And no doubt APG79 will be best among all offered , for simple reason being Americans are regularly updating Tech since 2004 to extract maximum Power output per Module and reduce cooling issues , and trying to incorporate maximum module in Radar.

But the problem is scaled down version of APG-79 , whether it will be better than Zhuk/AMSAAR/CAPTOR/RBE2 ,
only IAF and USAF would know since it is quite classified to enable comparing scaled down APG79 to Zhuk
US planes that too 120+ forget it

i bet it will be from Eurozone.....
Ruskies dont need any MRCA from indians, indians and ruskies have parallel defence contract..so it wont be ruskies.....but there will be close call between Ruskies and Eurozone....

well there is a probability that we can have contract enlarged may be upto 200 and than 100 from eurozone (Typhoon) and 100 from Ruskies
US planes that too 120+ forget it

i bet it will be from Eurozone.....
Ruskies dont need any MRCA from indians, indians and ruskies have parallel defence contract..so it wont be ruskies.....but there will be close call between Ruskies and Eurozone....

well there is a probability that we can have contract enlarged may be upto 200 and than 100 from eurozone (Typhoon) and 100 from Ruskies
That's ridiculous, Oui. I am afraid that would spell an end to the level of tech transfer the Indians are interested in accessing from the supplier. Personally, I would advise the Indians to select something European because of the level of technology Europe offers along with no strings attached.

Your country's fighter is also contending for our tender. What's the saying that both these deals would be inter-connected in a distant way?
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