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Zhou Yongkang's son Zhou Bin faces trial

Edison Chen

Aug 21, 2013
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Zhou Bin, elder son of retired senior leader, is being detained to face possible bribery charges.

he elder son of retired senior leader Zhou Yongkang is under formal detention and the family has sought lawyers to prepare his defence, according to sources with direct knowledge of the matter.

Zhou Bin, 41, is seeking legal assistance over possible bribery and other charges, according to three people familiar with the case who declined to be named.

Zhou Bin is allegedly involved in illegal dealings in Sichuan and the oil industry.

He has been formally detained since December.

His detention is a crucial step towards launching judicial proceedings against Zhou, and possibly also his father, who would become the highest-ranking party leader in decades to be embroiled in a graft scandal.

Zhou Yongkang is the first sitting or retired Politburo standing committee member to be investigated for economic or social crimes since the end of the Cultural Revolution. He was formerly in charge of the massive domestic security apparatus.

The decision to investigate him was agreed by current and retired senior leaders in early August.

"Zhou Bin has contacted several lawyers through an intermediary but the final appointment has yet to be made," one of the sources said.

"It's a complicated case and the lawyers must take many considerations into account."

The person added that the lawyers who had been contacted had not seen Zhou Bin in person, due to his detention.

Normally, the appointment of attorneys in a politically sensitive case must be approved and finalised by the top leadership.

Another person said the fact that Zhou Bin had been granted access to lawyers meant he was likely to be brought before a court, and his trial could begin soon.

"The top leaders want the cases surrounding Zhou Yongkang to strictly follow judicial procedures, to send the message that China is governed by rule of law and that the investigation is not a political purge," the source added.

The team investigating Zhou, which reports, directly to President Xi Jinping , recruited another 10 high-level Beijing police officers last month to speed up the interrogations, a person familiar with the operation said.

At least two people told the South China Morning Post Zhou Yongkang was under formal detention in December, and that provincial party secretaries had been informed of the decision.

Retired security tsar Zhou Yongkang's son Zhou Bin faces trial, seeks lawyer | South China Morning Post


Zhou Bin


Zhou Bin's wife: Huang Wan


Zhou Bin's step mother: Jia Xiaoye :omghaha::omghaha:

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Is that first picture him with a bunch of pornstar bimbos?
He should be fined for the vulgar display of his man boobs
lol, that arrow in the first picture really helped, I was totally confused.
A few months ago, I keep ranting Zhou Yongkang trouble as well as a suspected fight between arm police and 38th Army. PDF PRC scold me idiots or something like rumor monger.


This proof that I am a prophet. A prophet will be scolded because the normal people will not understand my sublime thinking.

This is really a dramatic justice for me.

Listen to me, it wont be wrong.
A few months ago, I keep ranting Zhou Yongkang trouble as well as a suspected fight between arm police and 38th Army. PDF PRC scold me idiots or something like rumor monger.


This proof that I am a prophet. A prophet will be scolded because the normal people will not understand my sublime thinking.

This is really a dramatic justice for me.

Listen to me, it wont be wrong.

Next one may be Zeng Qinghong, vice president.

For three decades, President Ma Ying Jeou wears the same watch given by his in-laws. The watch was spoiled and sent for repair for many times.


Ma's sending his sport shoe for repair. (He is too frugal to throw them away)


Ma's wife was famous for taking bus to work. She had been taking public transport even when her husband was Minister of Justice, and later mayor of Taipei. She stopped taking bus only after her husband became president as it will cost the country more to ensure her security.


Mrs Ma was fond of shopping for own groceries before Ma became President.


Ma's house in the 3rd storey. No landed property, no posh condos.

Who will want to get unified with PRC given their backward, bloodthirsty, supporting wicked behavior. Today PRC people support murder like Tiananmen or demon like Mao. They support corruption. They hate democracy.

Meanwhile they try all their best to escape to democratic white man land. Then these escapee continue to attack the very democracy that treat them well in oversea.

Their behavior 真是太过那个。

Any PRC leader can be like Ma Ying Jeou? No matter how poor Taiwan is, they have good people. They do not want to unite with a bunch of evil supporter.

For three decades, President Ma Ying Jeou wears the same watch given by his in-laws. The watch was spoiled and sent for repair for many times.


Ma's sending his sport shoe for repair. (He is too frugal to throw them away)


Ma's wife was famous for taking bus to work. She had been taking public transport even when her husband was Minister of Justice, and later mayor of Taipei. She stopped taking bus only after her husband became president as it will cost the country more to ensure her security.


Mrs Ma was fond of shopping for own groceries before Ma became President.


Ma's house in the 3rd storey. No landed property, no posh condos.

Who will want to get unified with PRC given their backward, bloodthirsty, supporting wicked behavior. Today PRC people support murder like Tiananmen or demon like Mao. They support corruption. They hate democracy.

Meanwhile they try all their best to escape to democratic white man land. Then these escapee continue to attack the very democracy that treat them well in oversea.

Their behavior 真是太过那个。

Any PRC leader can be like Ma Ying Jeou? No matter how poor Taiwan is, they have good people. They do not want to unite with a bunch of evil supporter.
As a Singaporean, the China always the DIRTY one in West Media. I say u didn't understand China at all, today China still develop well not collapse. From Mao to Deng, from Jiang to Hu,now Xi, political struggles inside CCP never stop since 1949, at least China senior government remain vigilant.

One CCP take down by another CCP, the system still work.
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As a Singaporean, the China always the DIRTY one in West Media. I say u didn't understand China at all, today China still develop well not collapse. From Mao to Deng, from Jiang to Hu,now Xi, political struggles inside CCP never stop since 1949, at least China senior government remain vigilant.

One CCP take down by another CCP, the system still work.

Of course I understand your points. Just that I found some PDF PRC too aggressive and would want to balance their view, so that nations can see that there is still a cool, wise, knowledgeable, understanding Chinese in this world. Else people may think Chinese are mad and fascist.
Of course I understand your points. Just that I found some PDF PRC too aggressive and would want to balance their view, so that nations can see that there is still a cool, wise, knowledgeable, understanding Chinese in this world. Else people may think Chinese are mad and fascist.
That's true. Once the CCP system freeze like USSR, the China will fall down. In China outside CCP indeed there lack democracy, inside CCP the democracy boost Party metabolism. Their chairs not safe, competed by another CCP members, it's good for the Party development.
That's true. Once the CCP system freeze like USSR, the China will fall down. In China outside CCP indeed there lack democracy, inside CCP the democracy boost Party metabolism. Their chairs not safe, competed by another CCP members, it's good for the Party development.

PRC may not be suitable for democracy now, anyway, I am a supporter of going democratic eventually.

But look at the conduct of PDF PRC, some advocate nuking people, some support Islamofascism, most flaunt their military muscle challenging neighbor commenters like those from Vietnam. Most flaunt PRC material wealth mocking at people.

Many support Mao, not even reading in detail modern history of china.

There are also mad accusation against USA.

Then PDF PRC uses a lot of vulgarities, curses, accusations, lies, hate..etc

I simply feel sicko.

Even Indians have better conduct in PDF.

So I go balance PDF PRC here although my true stance can be far more pro PRC.
PRC may not be suitable for democracy now, anyway, I am a supporter of going democratic eventually.

But look at the conduct of PDF PRC, some advocate nuking people, some support Islamofascism, most flaunt their military muscle challenging neighbor commenters like those from Vietnam. Most flaunt PRC material wealth mocking at people.

Many support Mao, not even reading in detail modern history of china.

There are also mad accusation against USA.

Then PDF PRC uses a lot of vulgarities, curses, accusations, lies, hate..etc

I simply feel sicko.

Even Indians have better conduct in PDF.

So I go balance PDF PRC here although my true stance can be far more pro PRC.
China, a big and get more powerful country there need time to adapt her changes in this world stage. About different voices from PRC in PDF, at least freedom speech whateve left-wing or right-wing in China. Take into consideration China still the biggest developing country, the development still is 1st job, CCP also not forget it coz they like $ !
Who will want to get unified with PRC given their backward, bloodthirsty, supporting wicked behavior. Today PRC people support murder like Tiananmen or demon like Mao. They support corruption. They hate democracy.

Meanwhile they try all their best to escape to democratic white man land. Then these escapee continue to attack the very democracy that treat them well in oversea.

Their behavior 真是太过那个。

Any PRC leader can be like Ma Ying Jeou? No matter how poor Taiwan is, they have good people. They do not want to unite with a bunch of evil supporter.

you have been driveling from your filthy mouth with volumes of flithy matters that instanly
make any river in world toxic
You are talking in a wicked dirt-thrity evil mindset

China hates corruption
China is having a doctrine of her own. Democracy is just one form of governance
Many countries have failed in a democratic system
Tianmen Sq incidence was a tragedy which was very likely linked to the evil plots of the west
We have successfull lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty
Our GDP/ capita is improving
We dont have a slavery mindset like you
Keep ranting on countries like india, the philippines et al
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