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Apr 28, 2011
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You know a weapon is set for public knowledge when it's at the forefront of a stage commemorating the PLAMC.

Indeed, previous rumours of Aden deployed PLAMC being armed with ZH-05 appear to be substantiated in this latest round of "leaks".


An OICW typically seeks to mate an assault rifle with an intelligent grenade launcher in a complete package, with a computerised fire control system to allow the small calibre grenade to burst at a predetermined distance for maximum lethality. However, current and previous OICWs such as the US XM-29 or Korean K11 are hindered by heavy weight and cumbersome volume, and indeed, only the Korean K11 is currently in service and represents the only OICW fully developed.

This changes with the ZH-05, which not only features a sleek, assault rifle-like profile, but is also remarkably light, at only 4.27kg unloaded and 5kg fully loaded (compared to the K11's 6.1kg unloaded). ZH-05 achieves its low weight through an innovative way of integrating only the laser range finder and fire control system with the gun itself, while keeping the optics modular and interchangable -- which not only lightens the weapon dramatically but also confers greater flexibility for the soldier who may wish to change between different scopes.

An early picture of the ZH-05, possibly at an arms exhibit, which surprised everyone both by depicting important specs, but also by the ridiculously low total weight of 5kg, which weighs less than the K11 unloaded, and only a little more than a loaded battle rifle!

But an even more ingenious -- and pragmatic -- means of reducing weapon weight was through eliminating the semi automatic grenade launcher and magazine for a single shot bolt action mechanism. While at first glance this may appear a disadvantage compared with other OICWs, it has been suggested the deletion of the magazine was directed by the PLA itself after initial trials with prototypes with five round magazines. This not only significantly reduced weight, but also allowed users to fire different types of grenades with greater ease.

The use of different grenade types is significant, as the lethality of a 20mm round is greatly reduced with the complicated electronics to allow a single grenade to perform multiple functions from airburst, to impact detonation, whereas separating individual grenades for airburst, impact, redues the circuitry in each individual grenade, improving overall power.

Hongjian provides a succint summary of the ZH-05's 20mm development:


CAD image of the 20mm grenade launcher component with a preliminary magazine design, later removed

Lethality rating of the 20mm airburst grenade compared with various other weapons. It can be seen that the 20mm airburst has greater killing co efficiency than a standard grenade, and approaches that of an infantry mortar!

And some specs of the ZH-05's 20mm grenade, again translated by Hongjian:

20mm caliber
1.2 grams of propellant
85 grams
119MPa chamber pressure
219m/s muzzle velocity
800m range and 29.46 meters vertical
reaching the distance of 800m in 4.446 seconds with an arc of 7.02 degrees
7.7 meters killing radius​

Pictures depict ZH-05 armed soldiers with a new kit of body armour and a helmet mounted eyepiece display suggest this is part of a greater drive for PLA modernization. The eyepiece is thought to be connected to the weapon via a cable, and possibly projects an image of the weapon's scope for the soldier. Certainly the PLA have experimented with such a function on existing rifles for many years.
Interesting weapon. SSG should pick a few examples for T&E to see how effective they are on the battlefield.
Interesting weapon. SSG should pick a few examples for T&E to see how effective they are on the battlefield.
We seriously need to go for new Guns for our Armed Forces and don't come up with Budget Crap
We seriously need to go for new Guns for our Armed Forces and don't come up with Budget Crap

First a handful of examples should be picked up for test and evaluation. If they meet our requirements and offer genuine battlefield advantages, we should place an order for this weapon in a small batch.
First a handful of examples should be picked up for test and evaluation. If they meet our requirements and offer genuine battlefield advantages, we should place an order for this weapon in a small batch.
What about Sniper Gun tests have they been completed and are we closing on in choosing one ? @Rashid Mahmood

Please tell about some
I am not aware of any such info Bro.
If I come across any such info and it is not classified, I will share it.
Okay Mr I am waiting by the way wiiki said we are also getting WS-1 Rockets from China did we got them
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