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Zardari seeks $100 billion for Pakistan's survival


Apr 2, 2008
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Zardari seeks 100 billion dollars for Pakistan survival
Masood Haider
Saturday, 04 Oct, 2008

NEW YORK: Citing the threats by the militants on Pakistan’s border and the imminent economic meltdown, President Asif Ali Zardari, has asked the international community to give Pakistan $ 100 billion in grant to stave off the dual threats which undermine the very survival of the country.

'I need your help, if we fall, if we can't do it, you can't do it,' Zardari repeatedly said in an interview with Wall Street Journal’s columnist Brent Stephens, published Saturday.

In the interview Zardari also called for a broader free trade agreement with India saying 'India has never been a threat to Pakistan,' adding that 'I, for one, and our democratic government is not scared of Indian influence abroad.'

Stephens said in his column that Zardari spoke of the militant groups operating in occpied Kashmir as 'terrorists' and said he had no objection to the India-US nuclear cooperation pact, so long as Pakistan was treated 'at par.'

'Why would we begrudge the largest democracy in the world getting friendly with one of the oldest democracies in the world?,' Zardari was quoted as saying.

On Mr Zardari’s request for $100 billion in grant, Stephens said Zardari 'has a simple and powerful argument to make that the world cannot allow his government to fail — not when it's becoming increasingly plausible that Pakistan itself, with its stockpile of as many as 200 nuclear warheads, could be toppled by al Qaeda and its allies.'

In asking the international community for infusion of $100 billion in Pakistan, Stephens said Zardari was keen to insist that it not be described as aid.
'Aid is proven through the researches of the World Bank . . . [to be] bad for a country,' Zardari told WSJ. 'I'm looking for temporary relief for my budgetary support and cash for my treasury which does not need to be spent by me. It is not something I want to spend. But [it] will stop the [outflow] of my capital every time there is a bomb blast...In this situation, how do I create capital confidence, how do I create businessmen's confidence?' Stephens quoted Zardari as saying.

On US-Pakistan differences to conduct the war on terror along Pakistan's border with Afghanistan, in the North West Frontier Province, Stephen's said 'Mr. Zardari was anxious to downplay any differences with the US. 'I am not going to fall for this position that it's an unpopular thing to be America's friend. I am America's friend,' Zardari reiterated.

On the incident about the firing on the US aircraft by Pakistani army, Zardari told WSJ 'it was merely an incident, and while incidents do happen, they are not always important.' He went off the record to describe sensitive military subjects, but acknowledged that the US was carrying out Predator missile strikes on Pakistani soil with his government's consent. 'We have an understanding, in the sense that we're going after an enemy together.'

Zardari, Stephens maintained, also conceded 'the problem that had bedeviled past efforts at US-Pakistani cooperation, particularly in intelligence sharing: the widely held suspicion that Pakistani intelligence services continue to cooperate with, and even arm, the Taliban.'

'You know, you keep an uglier alternative around so that you may not be asked to leave,' he said, in reference to Mr Musharraf's claim of fighting militants with one hand while protecting them with the other. Mr Zardari refused to go into further detail other than to say he 'solved the problem.'

Zardari hoped that with the intelligence problem out of the way, a new era of cooperation can open up with the US. 'We want to be able to share [U.S.] intelligence,' he told WSJ. 'We need helicopters, we need night goggles, we need equipment of that sort.'

Zardari stressed the need for precision and finesse in fighting militants, rather than employing a large-scale military force. 'My eventual concept is that we should be taking them on as they are, as criminals.'

Referring to reports that Pakistan has deployed F-16s against insurgents, in part because the army's own frontier troops have been routinely routed in ground fighting, he said the troops'problems aren't simply tactical. 'What kind of a joke is this that I cannot pay my security personnel more than the Talibs are paying?' he said. 'Those terrorists are paying their soldiers 10,000 rupees; I'm paying seven or six thousand rupees.'

'The effects of such a disparity are increasingly evident. The recent bombing of Islamabad's Marriott hotel, in an area that is under particularly tight security controls, is a fresh reminder that Pakistan's terrorist problem extends well beyond the tribal hinterlands,' Stephens quoted Zardari as saying.
since when his survival has become Pakistan's survival ???

He better should go for explaining as where our 600m/b reserves have gone in few days ???????????
Yeah right like anyone's gonna give that amount. I wonder if he's going to ask the parliament to take a loan of $100bn... It's party time!
guess he will have 10 billion in his pocket

Please do not under estimate him nor undermine his present status, @10% was his past now he is Co Chairman of PPP and the President after all............. and have full discretion of such allocations, hope he may allow atleast 10 % to the country if remaining by other parlimentrians :rofl:

PM Gillani is going to the extent by offering to sell the rich resources and land of the country to foreign companies to collect huge money rather then to plan for developments with local entities.

One can imigine his clear intentions that his government still not worked out any certain Road map for socio-economy & developments to reduce inflation, unemployment and poverty.......that once fund come, immediatly will induct as per designed Road map, accordingly.
They are day night busy now in getting 'Revenge' as "Democracy is the best revenge":tup:

So we Pakistani should be patient and wait for the money for development, till its over flowed by the stomach of our super stars high ranks politicians.:tsk:
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Zardari seeks 100 billion dollars for Pakistan survival[/url]
Masood Haider
Saturday, 04 Oct, 2008

In my opinion, Pakistan is pretty resurgent in terms of economy. they have been 'on the brink' a couple of times and always managed to pull it off. But what Pakistan needs for its survival is not 100 billion dollars but change of guard (change of the president to be precise!!)
guess he will have 10 billion in his pocket

10bn$ in his pocket

10bn$ in nawaz shareef

10bn$ chudri shujaitt

10bn$ chudri parweez ilahi

10bn$ parwez mushraf

10bn$ shukat aziz

10bn$ in shubaz shareef

5bn$ imran khan

10bn$ altaf hussain

5bn$ qazi hussain ahmed

5bn$ mulana fazlulrahman

5bn$ asfand yar wali

:lol:its total 100bn$ what we need more i have 1000$ in my accaunt:enjoy::enjoy:
but honestly with so much of economic turmoil here in USA, its going to be a matter of time before USA starts cutting aid to other countries and while other countries might suffer, am sure Pak will have a strong middle class that has already shunned Mr.10% and come to terms with their political structure.

In short, I believe cutting of aid to Pakistan will benefit Pak in a way forcing pak's middle class to work for development of Pak. There will be lasting peace and stability in the region when that happens because all the countries will be focused on economic development rather than petty issues.
OMG I am so worried he didnt give away any of our countries military secrets:
He went off the record to describe sensitive military subjects,

acknowledged that the US was carrying out Predator missile strikes on Pakistani soil with his government's consent
He will have a very hard time defending himself on this one, I sense this is a controversy in making.

'You know, you keep an uglier alternative around so that you may not be asked to leave,' he said, in reference to Mr Musharraf's claim of fighting militants with one hand while protecting them with the other.
SoB !!! He basicly just said Pakistan has been a hypocrital state in the War on Terror!

not when it's becoming increasingly plausible that Pakistan itself, with its stockpile of as many as 200 nuclear warheads, could be toppled by al Qaeda and its allies.'
BS Everyone knows this is not possible even in the long term.

'India has never been a threat to Pakistan,'
WORSE PART! So our Army fought all those wars because our soldiers were getting bored eh? They invaded East-Pakistan and deployed a million men on our border like a million times because we invited them to eh? B@st3rd !!!!!!
may be more than that. Has he given any break up of where he is going to invest that 100bn? or has he just made up that figure??

no dear,there is no clue about that....he never stand by his words therefore i consider him the most untrusted man of pakistan.:disagree:
I always thought that I would give Zardari a chance. Hell, whatever corruption he may or may not have done, spending so long in jail must hold some political currency.

But I must now admit, others were right. He might have proven himself to be of a machiavelian mind in his recent rise to power, but he is certainly no Prince of the People.

To go to another country's media, and bad mouth the previous President. What possessed him to do that? He basically admitted to Pakistan being a state sponsor of terrorism, while being a US ally.

The American media will now blame Pakistan for the casualties they have suffered in Afghaniland, whipping up a frenzy on their right wing radio stations, and no less xenophobic news channels.

His action in disowning the previous President can be seen analogically as a son leaving home and disowning his own father. "H**** Zada" is the word that best describes such a person.

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