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Zardari Buys $140m apartment complex


Oct 3, 2005
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Thursday, August 26, 2010
By Our Correspondent
Parliamentary Secretary for Health Dr Saeed Elahi has termed the purchase of a flat, worth 140 million pounds, by President Asif Ali Zardari a condemnable act.
In a statement issued on Tuesday, Dr Saeed Elahi said that, on the one hand, more than half the country was inundated with massive floods and millions of affectees were looking for a temporary shelter but, on the other hand, the President was expanding his assets. He said the amount which had been spent to buy the flat could have been used for providing shelter to at least one million people of his country.
He went on to say that the shameless act would have hurt the soul of PPP founder Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, who had vowed to provide Roti, Kapra and Makan to the poor.
Dr.Elahi urged the president to bridle his propensity to plunder the country and better spend money on the poor who had perished in the worst floods in the history of the country.
He said that the president, not contented with the Surrey Palace, had purchased another expensive flat at a time when he was extending begging bowl for the flood effectees, asking why the international donors give alms and aid to the Zardari-led government.

Asif flayed for ‘140m pounds flat’


This guy has no shame to such an end that one becomes lost for words to describe this guy. Ultimately, he deserves to be hanged. I mean $140m... probably all of it stolen money.
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This guy has no shame to such an end that one becomes lost for words to describe this guy. Ultimately, he deserves to be hanged. I mean $140m... probably all of it stolen money.

All of the stolen money? Just 140m?
You are seriously doubting Zardari's Theiving skills.

140m is a puny fraction of what he has already stolen from the nation.
His country is drowning and he is buying a 140 mill house with money he stole from them...... unbelievable. :angry:
According to the website, forex.pk, the exchange rate (buying) is 130.8 PKR for UK Pound Sterling (9/13/2010).

By simple calculation, 140,000,000 x 130.8 = PKR 18,312,000,000
thats 1800 caror rupees...

mauch of the flood effected areas could have been rebuil with such amount money.
Zardari gives a flying feck to whatever inflicts this country ... He visited abroad when the whole world was against it now he is buying luxuries for his afterlife (for him ...) because he knows he will get away with it otherwise demo-cracy will be fecked... and we will all cry again 'worst demo-cracy is better then best dictatorship' ... try telling that to a common man now and expect lynching as was done in Sialkot.
Now thts like a good MOFO shyt faced corrupt swine son of a .itch.

Id Love to shoot this c.nt nugget.
This moron is begging around the world for flood relief aid and buys 140million pound appartments..Seriously its getting sickening..Please India come and annex Pakistan we are not worthy of statehood! Why none of our cross dressing army cheif has balls to bring these politicians to justice??
Listen guyz....

Its whose money? = Mr Zardari
Is it his personal money? = Yes
Does becoming a president means you donate all your wealth in charity? = No
Is he not allowed to buy a house with the money we all know that he owns? = No

Then whats a problem? whether he buys a house or a steel industry........ its his personal money right? let him buy anything he wants. You want him to donate all his fortune in charity because he is a President of Pakistan? sorry none of the politicians are so kind hearted that they will donate money from their own pockets....Its officially his own money...let him do anything he wants

PS: If you think its peoples money that he gained after corruption....feel free to file a case against him and prove in the court
Listen guyz....

Its whose money? = Mr Zardari
Is it his personal money? = Yes
Does becoming a president means you donate all your wealth in charity? = No
Is he not allowed to buy a house with the money we all know that he owns? = No

Then whats a problem? whether he buys a house or a steel industry........ its his personal money right? let him buy anything he wants. You want him to donate all his fortune in charity because he is a President of Pakistan? sorry none of the politicians are so kind hearted that they will donate money from their own pockets....Its officially his own money...let him do anything he wants

PS: If you think its peoples money that he gained after corruption....feel free to file a case against him and prove in the court
Has he declared his assets to the 'Election Comission' which could n't even check the degrees of so many cheats and frauds now re-presenting people.
I dont know whose money it is, but a sitting Persident can not buy a private house when he was given a place to live by the state of Pakistan.
I feel sorry for Pakistan. Never seen a idiot like Zardari before. He could be only copared with Marcos or Nariega.
Listen guyz....

Its whose money? = Mr Zardari
Is it his personal money? = Yes
Does becoming a president means you donate all your wealth in charity? = No
Is he not allowed to buy a house with the money we all know that he owns? = No

Then whats a problem? whether he buys a house or a steel industry........ its his personal money right? let him buy anything he wants. You want him to donate all his fortune in charity because he is a President of Pakistan? sorry none of the politicians are so kind hearted that they will donate money from their own pockets....Its officially his own money...let him do anything he wants

PS: If you think its peoples money that he gained after corruption....feel free to file a case against him and prove in the court

Bang on, Zaki.

Nothing has ever been gained from ranting and empty threats.
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