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Zaid Hamid DESTROYS the CIA, MOSSAD and their TOOL RAW!

Hello webmaster, before deleting my post, just see what the couterpart has writen , have some guts to delete his post too... Well Ok, Anyways, good luck, what ever I post will be deleted I know.... Catchya later.


Always remember that this is not your bullshit bharatraksha indiandefence type BS forum ! this is our and Pakistan Defence forum. Before posting anything think 100 times!!

@ Admin

I feel since after mumbai attack these Indians mk this defence forum into (comedy jokes forum) kindly Warn all of them. Xpect few mostly 99% of Indians are seriously posting bullshits comments all over the forum mostly in everythread even thread related with india or not!

I posted this only a few minutes ago, which means you didn't watch it... Which is good, because this is not directed towards Indians!

But still, It does indeed display your ignorance! Not surprising for an Indian!

This post is fine in this case. Mainly because the poster showed sheer stupidity by posting bunch of (trolled type) similes rather than a point of view of his own.
Zaid hamid is a legend... his heart is filled with the love of pakistan.. no doubt a true pakistani.. he is truly exposing cia, raw and mossad.
salam........ very nice i like this GOD bless zahid hamid n pakistan long live pakistan.........keep it up friend keep posting that type of videos..
I posted this only a few minutes ago, which means you didn't watch it... Which is good, because this is not directed towards Indians!

But still, It does indeed display your ignorance! Not surprising for an Indian!

The video you posted is available outside the PDF since a very long time. it may have been watched by users even before you posted them so

"I posted this only a few minutes ago, which means you didn't watch it" is a flawed argument.

I saw these videos a pretty long time ago.

Back to the topic.

Mr. Hamid does bring out a lot of CIA/RAW and MOSSAD's " covert objectives"

1) If these operations were covert, not many would know them. Although he may be right is most occasions, it may be possible that they are his "assumptions" on what is happening from the facts that he knows rather than being a person who is well informed of the objectives of these organizations (unless he has spies inside all of them at their highest echelons!)

2) There is a polarity in the Pakistani posters in this forum about Mr.Hamid . Some of them like him very much. Some do not think he is credible. Possibly because there is a belief that he makes up atleast some stuff to give credence to his arguments.

3) Most people who are being targeted by him find it being too far fetched. They seem like bordering conspiracy theories and blatant lies.

While all the above posts maybe irrelevant to Pakistani readers here, that is an opinion of a non-Pakistani after listening to Mr.Hamid's views.

What cannot be denied by anyone who sees the video, is the Passion the guy has to do something about stuff going on against Pakistan and the burning splinter in him to inspire people of Pakistan to do something about it.

I pray that someone with that amount of Passion, determination and oratory skills should arrive in India, Pakistan, China and talk of millions of people wanting to be friends and live in peace and inspire tranquility and peace rather than mistrust and war!.
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