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Zaid Hamid badly gets owned by PMLN Hanif Abbasi lolz.

everyone is owned based on who you like, there are very few unbiased opinion in the world.
Im not saying he is biased, what I am saying is he is a fool.

Indians think he is a joker because he whips them all the time,
Coming onto a news channel now mean whipping India? Wow, you got definitions man! Did you think about creating your own dictionary?

if he is such a joker and they are so amused by his conversation then why dont they invite him for this comedy shows or at least play his speeches, BULLSHIT, he burns you guys inside out. He shows you mirror and what you see is unacceptable for you.
What do you think that we do not have fools and jokers in India? We have many but they generally do not come/are not allowed to come on the National television, now that is what makes it amusing, don't you still get it? Time to update your dictionary!

Anyhow, I was one of unbiased people who turned anti-Indian after i joined PDF and read posting of Indians. So I am not the one with unbiased opinion and this isnt one.
Its pretty clear to see that based on PDF, where things are exaggerated out of proportions, you decide to form your opinion. How lame can one get dude! :whistle:
No mercy for Zaid Hamid for speaking such tough words on the media but this Hanif abbasi is a complete $hit. He has his name ephedrine case too. These people are good for nothing. Just waiting for their turn to do to the country what PPP, ANP and MQM are doing. Dont expect anything good from them.

PS. Zaid Hamid is sometimes laughable but I like his unashamed patriotism. If interested, do watch his 'Iqbal ka Pakistan'. that was a good program.
PS. Zaid Hamid is sometimes laughable but I like his unashamed patriotism. If interested, do watch his 'Iqbal ka Pakistan'. that was a good program.
Foolish patriotism hurts more than it helps..


Like I said, he talks like a little kid. Even we as a little kids used to talk about wars like it was simple, same as Zaid..
But we were not invited to a National television for talking like a kid, weren't we?

People want him, else he would not have been there. And when a politician tells him that he respects and he gets called to universities as a guest.. Its very difficult for an Indian to understand how that even happens..

Foolish patriotism hurts more than it helps..

But we were not invited to a National television for talking like a kid, weren't we?

People want him, else he would not have been there. And when a politician tells him that he respects and he gets called to universities as a guest.. Its very difficult for an Indian to understand how that even happens..


Its difficult for Pakistanis too to understand how can Indian like a person like Modi. Foolish patriotism or just rabid nationalism?
Its difficult for Pakistanis too to understand how can Indian like a person like Modi. Foolish patriotism or just rabid nationalism?

Comparing apples and oranges you know, Modi is a politician, and only accused.. Do you know that every politician is accused of so many things these days? There is a concept called innocent until proven guilty. Also, show me videos where he has told that he killed Muslims or wanted to kill them?

The people who want him to be the PM see what he has done, the development making Gujarat one of the highest earning states in India.

Also, he has been demonised so much that news channels literally masturbate mentally over everything which has Modi in it... So what I said it true again.

Congress has more blood on its hands than any other party
Zaid is a idiot, only paranoid Indians follow him, otherwise I didn't even know who he was till I joined PDF and a Indian made a thread about him

Care to explain how he is idiot and u r some Einstein?? Is he idiot because he pump us to stand on our own feet and make Pakistan which it was meant to be.

Atleast he dont sell Pakistan for some dollars He is Honest Muslim and Patriotic Pakistani . Salute to Mr. Zaid Hamid.
Oh really Now 2012 is going to end where is your gazwa e hind ? illusion and fantasy all over the top.
Its difficult for Pakistanis too to understand how can Indian like a person like Modi. Foolish patriotism or just rabid nationalism?
i don't know why you people always brag modi in all of anti pakistani debates.why not khaangressis they were also responsible for some major hindu muslim riots.next time i would love to hear the name of some khangressis like indira and rajiv too.......
Indian brothers will love this. This is the first time Zaid Hamid had a show down with the top brass of PMLN leadership. And from this video you can tell he got badly destroyed. Not that I hate Zaid, but what he said in the video was completely wrong and he paid full price

Zaid Hamid vs Hanif Abbasi (PML-N) on election system - YouTube

his holiness 'Sir Zaid Hamid':kiss3: for me he is the highly respectable figure in Pakistan as well for internet hindus.

Zaid sir aap jiyo hazroo saal, saal key din ho panchass hazar. Now days I don't even feel like watching comedy circus. Zahid's sir shows are more than enough. :bow:
First of all ZH and related Thread should be closed down.

All I see is a Fat Arse speaking louder with moving arm that badly needs to be restrained like RCMP.

zaid hamid: election process is harm [isn't it: fake id cards-dead people's votes, funny i know a person who died 17 years earlier and his name was also on voters list and voted to pml-n]
Pakistani constitution says no law should be against the interests of Pakistan currently law approves interest-profit which actually in haram from the point of view of sharia/Pakistani constitution.

hanif abbasi: he took it as people to be elected are harm [height of his intellect]
furthur hanif abbasi doesn't say his govt will or ever had aborted-deleted such law instead insists on others to go to SC but does not say he will go to SC himself against it. Now look at moron's logic he bring in Army and CJ...

I don't see hanif abbasi owned anyone, fat arse is just moving arms speaking illogically as well.
Im not saying he is biased, what I am saying is he is a fool.

Coming onto a news channel now mean whipping India? Wow, you got definitions man! Did you think about creating your own dictionary?

What do you think that we do not have fools and jokers in India? We have many but they generally do not come/are not allowed to come on the National television, now that is what makes it amusing, don't you still get it? Time to update your dictionary!

Its pretty clear to see that based on PDF, where things are exaggerated out of proportions, you decide to form your opinion. How lame can one get dude! :whistle:

India is not a cow (well kindda) and Zaid hamid isnt plowing a field with whip in his hand, try to understand the meaning behind the words. This is what happens if you open dictionary to make sense of every post!!
I am sorry but when i write, I consider the fact that reader is above average IQ.
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