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Your views on Gay Marriage

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Jan 30, 2010
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Just read the news that New York state has passed the "Gay Marriage" bill .... If im not wrong, it is already legal in some countries & perhaps some other states in USA too but not sure ... Anyway, while i was browsing through a majority Americans forum, it appeared to me that overwhelming majority of Americans are in support of it and want other states to follow suit ....

I personally am completely against anything which is against the laws set for us by nature ... Just where will this quest for complete freedom ends for democracy preachers ???

Whats Next ??? Incest Marriages ???

You views please .....
I don't really have any particular opinion.

The number of gay people in society is so small anyway, it won't have much of an effect either way.
I personally am completely against anything which is against the laws set for us by nature ... Just where will this quest for complete freedom ends for democracy preachers ???
So how are you sure its against the nature ? Isn't it nature which built them like that, there inclination is natural, so respect it.

Whats Next ??? Incest Marriages ???

You views please .....

Isn't there marriages amongst cousins in pakistan ? Isn't it a form of incest marriage ?
What is norm in ones culture can be weired/gross for others, but one gotto respect that too, its there choice.
gay is bad and gay marriage is a joke...gayism is unnatural and these people need help.
Thats my opinion.
I agree. Homosexuality is un natural and an abomination of sorts. I believe that one is able to choose his/her sexuality. Homosexual tendencies ought to be discouraged and the individuals ought to be counselled. Its extremely counter productive.
two grown up people, who want to live with each other must be allowed to do so. Their bond needs not to be a problem for any one else, Live & let other live!

at the cost of social degradation? I think not.
Since i am not Gay- so i cant understand- what bonds two men to the sexual level-
But- as an opinion- The idea of Gay is gross- About Lesbians- i cant think of any thing more beautiful :D-
Strictly forbidden in Islam


"And Lut! When he said unto his folk: Will you commit an obscenity that none has ever committed before you? You fulfil your lust on men instead of women? Indeed, you are a wanton nation" - 7/80-81

In these verses, Allah emphatically denounces the unnatural, perverted manner of sexual gratification that was practiced by the nation of Loot (and become known thereafter as sodomy.)

At another juncture in the Quraan Majeed, Allah has described the punishment inflicted upon this sick nation. Hazrat Jibra'eel lifted their entire city into the sky, inverted them and brought them crashing down onto earth with a terrific bang. Thereafter, boulders and rocks rained down upon them from the sky. These stones were of a different composition altogether, and each had the name of the culprit to be pelted by it inscribed upon it. Hazrat Maulana Phoolpuri most aptly comments on this incident:

"The actions of this nation were perverted and unnatural, thus the punishment meted out to them was a befitting one; THEY WERE INVERTED!"

Despite the sincerest of warnings from Hazrat Lut, they remained persistent in their foul deeds and doings; thus 40 000 of them were annihilated in a single moment.

Allah made them a lesson unto mankind right up to the Day of Judgment, that even today, traces of their destruction are present in the Dead Sea (also known as the "Sea of Lot"), the water of which is so dense and bitter, it will not permit any tree or vegetation to grow upon it's shores.


Hazrat Jabir reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam) said:

"The action I fear most for my Ummah is the action of the nation of Lut (i.e. Sodomy)." - Mishkaat p. 313.

Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas and Hazrat Abu Hurairah [Radiyallahu-Anhum] report from Rasulullah [Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam]:

"Accursed is he who commits the act of the nation of Loot [Alayhimus-Salaam]." - Mishkaat p.313.


Hazrat Abubakr destroyed two homosexuals by having a wall crushed upon them.


Rasulullah [Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam] said: "Allah will not cast a glance of Mercy towards the person that commits the act of sodomy or anal sex with his wife." - Mishkaat p. 313.


Some words of wisdom regarding handsome lads:

Hazrat Abu Huraira reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: Do not stare at beardless youth.

Hazrat Anas reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: Beware of beardless youth for they are a greater source of mischief than young maidens.

Hazrat Umar used to say: I do not fear the danger of a wild animal let loose upon an aalim, as much as I fear the danger of a beardless, handsome lad upon him.

Hazrat Sufyan Thauri says: If every woman has one shaitaan accompanying her, then a handsome lad has two.

Imam Ghazzali writes: Turning a hungry lion upon an aabid (worshipper) is not as detrimental to him as a handsome lad left before him.
another attack of AIBP (all india bummer party)
My opinions are based on religious teaching regarding homosexuality. Christianity strictly forbids this universally and i agree with it. Its simply not natural. To me there is no difference between a person who does a goat (or any other animal) and a gay.
I have spoken about homosexuality with some of my freinds in England. We are constantly fed pro gay propaganda inthe west that it is natural and there is nothing wrong with it. However We sometimes wonder whether homosexuality in the west and the east is the same. In the west we often see macho men with beards moustaches etc having a relationship with otheer macho men, My understanding of the east is that because of closed societies some men go with other men as a substitute for women ie one male is dominant and he procures a female substitute. Interestingly greek soldiers used take boys with them to war and their wives were well aware that. It would be interesting if someonee from india pakistan etc shed light on our assertions
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