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Xinjiang attack masterminded by terrorists trained in Pakistan: China

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Oct 16, 2009
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BEIJING: China said on Monday that Islamic extremists were behind an attack on the eve of the Muslim fasting month in the restive western region of Xinjiang that left 11 people dead.

The attack in Kashgar city on Sunday afternoon was the latest violence to shake the region where Muslim Uighurs have long resented the presence of Han Chinese and religious and political controls imposed by Beijing.

It came less than 24 hours after two small blasts hit the city, which is dominated by Uighurs.

“A group of religious extremists led by culprits trained in overseas terrorist camps were behind the weekend attack,” a Kashgar government statement said.

An initial police investigation found that the leaders of the group behind the attack had learned about explosives and firearms in Pakistan at a camp of the separatist “East Turkestan Islamic Movement,” it said.

Police shot dead five people and arrested four others after they stormed a restaurant, set in on fire after killing the owner and a waiter, and then ran onto the street and hacked to death four people, Xinhua news agency reported.

For the ruling Communist Party, the latest violence presents another tricky test of its control in Xinjiang, where Uighur and Han Chinese residents view each other with suspicion. Beijing has been wary of contagion from uprisings across the Arab world inspiring challenges to Party power in China.

“This was another violent terrorist action by a small group of foes organized and planned under special conditions,” the local government said.

Captured suspects had confessed that the ringleaders had earlier fled to Pakistan and joined the “East Turkestan Islamic Movement” and had received firearms and explosives training before infiltrating back into China, it said.

“Their malign intention behind this terrorist violence was to sabotage inter-ethnic unity and harm social stability, provoking ethnic hatred and creating ethnic conflict, splitting Xinjiang off from the motherland, casting the people of every ethnic group into a disastrous abyss.”

Xinhua, describing deserted streets and bloody scenes, said many residents had gathered around the area, holding clubs for self-defence, describing deserted streets and bloody scenes.

“There are very few people on the streets, and unless it’s something urgent, I won’t go out,” a Han Chinese businesswoman in Kashgar told Reuters by phone, adding that there was a heavy police presence in the city. She would give only her surname, Jiang.

In July 2009, the regional capital, Urumqi, was rocked by violence between majority Han Chinese and minority Uighurs that killed nearly 200 people, many of them Han Chinese.

China sees Xinjiang as strategically vital, and Beijing has shown no sign of loosening its grip on the territory, which accounts for a sixth of the country’s land mass and holds deposits of oil and gas.

Critics of Chinese policy in Xinjiang and advocates of Uighur self-rule say that Beijing has exaggerated the influence of terror groups and its tough policies have only deepened Uighur anger by smothering peaceful protest.

Kashgar lies in Xinjiang’s south, where Uighurs predominate.

Earlier on Sunday, Chinese media reported that two men wielding knives attacked a truck driver and then a crowd of people following two explosions in Kashgar on Saturday night, leaving eight people dead including one of the attackers.

Eighteen people including 14 “rioters” were killed in an attack on a police station in Xinjiang on July 18, according to the government.
All the more reason for us to increase border cooperation with Pakistan.

Pakistan has always extradited ETIM militants back to us, whenever we have asked them to do so. I'm sure they will put in 110% effort to help us with this issue. :tup:
S0 Even China Pakistan's all Weather ally is facing terrorist threat from it's all time friend.

Here is the difference.

Pakistan helps to extradite ETIM militants back to China whenever we ask. However, they do not provide this service for India, because India never took the time to be friends with Pakistan.

Which is why China is ranked as "low risk" on the Terrorism Risk Index, and India is ranked as "high risk".
All the more reason for us to increase border cooperation with Pakistan.

Pakistan has always extradited ETIM militants back to us, whenever we have asked them to do so. I'm sure they will put in 110% effort to help us with this issue. :tup:

You might want to reframe that statement. Easy extradition of militants would mean that these people operate in the open which means the authorities normally turn the other eye. Not good for China.
The other option is they do not operate in the open but in camps and hideouts. With a WoT being carried out on the other side of the country, I doubt the PA can stretch it's resources to clamp down these terrorists (assuming they want to). More bad news for China.
You might want to reframe that statement. Easy extradition of militants would mean that these people operate in the open which means the authorities normally turn the other eye. Not good for China.
The other option is they do not operate in the open but in camps and hideouts. With a WoT being carried out on the other side of the country, I doubt the PA can stretch it's resources to clamp down these terrorists (assuming they want to). More bad news for China.

On the Terrorism Risk Index:

- India is ranked as "high risk"
- USA and Britain are ranked as "medium risk"
- China is ranked as "low risk"

I think we did the right thing, the results speak for themselves.
This only shows killing Indians is fine for Pakistani gov,...and hypocracy of Chinese gov on what it defines as terrorism...Mumbai attacks mastermind is protected by Pakistanis with the help of Chinese at UN..Here the Chinese ask for proof and rule of law..whereas they kill their own people at Uighar,Tibet on just suspicion itself and then claim to be a "low-risk" index country

Oh yeah, I'm sure you Indians truly have Chinese interests at heart. :lol:

Check the comments below any Indian news article, and you will see them all wishing that the "****** Chinese" get bombed by terrorists.

One day Would definitely like to see these filthyyy Chinese die from the bombs of P@ki terrorists.. Do I sound irrational ??? This will happen one day or the other ... Just would like to see it in my lifetime...

China backs Pakistan govt after Osama bin Laden's death - The Times of India
(And that was just the first comment).

Well, at least you guys got half of your wish granted.
On the Terrorism Risk Index:

- India is ranked as "high risk"
- USA and Britain are ranked as "medium risk"
- China is ranked as "low risk"

I think we did the right thing, the results speak for themselves.

I'm sure you did. I am not referring to terrorist index. Agree China faces lower threat than India or UK or USA. That does not mean you sit on your *** saying our index is low so no one will attack us. It's low because not many terrorists attacked you yet. If you want to keep it that way you need to clamp down on potential threats. Even if its from a friendly nation's soil.
Pakistan and China would soon solve this issue and the one who is responsible would be brought to justice.

We would really appreciate your help here. :tup:

Just extradite them back to China, and we'll take care of the rest.
I'm sure you did. I am not referring to terrorist index. Agree China faces lower threat than India or UK or USA. That does not mean you sit on your *** saying our index is low so no one will attack us. It's low because not many terrorists attacked you yet. If you want to keep it that way you need to clamp down on potential threats. Even if its from a friendly nation's soil.

You're right of course. We definitely don't want to get complacent here.

These attacks are presently limited to the far Western provinces like Xinjiang, but if they start spreading to the highly populated Eastern Chinese provinces, then it could result in some serious social unrest.
Another friendly comment on the Times of India article:

Desh Bhagat (Delhi)
17 mins ago (10:39 AM)

Stay tuned China ! You will also get share of what U.S., Russia, India got.

I pray to God to create 9/11 like situation by Pakistan in China also.


Don't these guys have anything better to pray for?
It's not my past record it's your countryman's past record that is in question here, mate!! I hope you extradite all the terrorists back to China so that there are no more unrests in Xinxiang in future..

What countryman record??? It might be some uighur who might have moved from China to Pakistan and was involved in this incident. Anyways Pakistani or non Pakistani he would be brought to justice like we have done in the past. China and Pakistan would surely cooperate on this. That I can guarantee you.;)

By the way your countrymen have much pathetic record who are praying for incidents like 9/11 in China.
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