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WTF !! Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on Rolling Stone Cover !!!


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
Rolling Stone's latest cover is attracting plenty of controversy, thanks to its use of a photograph of Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

The cover, which features a self-taken portrait of Tsarnaev sporting shaggy hair and a goatee, identifies him simply as "The Bomber," while promising to explain "how a popular, promising student was failed by his family, fell into radical Islam, and became a monster." The cover story itself was reported over the course of two months by Rolling Stone contributing editor Janet Reitman.

The same image has in fact been used by other publications since the April 15 Boston Marathon bombing, which Tsarnaev stands accused of carrying out with his brother, Tamerlan. The photo even appeared on the front page of The New York Times in May. However, its presence on the cover of Rolling Stone, a space typically occupied by rock stars and actors, sparked outrage on Twitter and Facebook, where many observers objected to what they saw as the glamorization of Tsarnaev. For example, Think Progress editor-in-chief Judd Legum tweeted side-by-side photos comparing the cover to a 1991 cover of Doors' singer Jim Morrison: :omghaha:


Rolling Stone Boston Bomber Cover Story: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Image Stirs Controversy, Boycotts
Don't you know Islamist terrorists are all oily, snarling, evil, gap toothed, towel head, brainless henchman, not glamorous, good looking medical students. What this guy did was horrendous and he will end up in prison for life if not executed. However, he is what he is, but if he had been an evil looking mad mullah there would have been no story.
Don't you know Islamist terrorists are all oily, snarling, evil, gap toothed, towel head, brainless henchman, not glamorous, good looking medical students. What this guy did was horrendous and he will end up in prison for life if not executed. However, he is what he is, but if he had been an evil looking mad mullah there would have been no story.

Actually the same pic of Tsarnaev had appeared on NY times earlier. There was no controversy whatsoever then. Rolling stones is magazine dedicated for rock music and movies. Where on earth is the connection ?? Oh yes ! He does look like Jim Morrison !
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