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Would you teach your children "martial arts"?


Sep 4, 2012
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Would you teach your children any kind of "martial arts"?
I would send my children to some kind of martial arts classes because we are living in times of rising islamophobia and muslim children in europe and north america are likely to be bullied at school. Under these circumstances, next generation of muslim children should have such an upbringing that they are brave and know how to defend themselves.

I myself very rarely faced any overt racism while growing up in Canada and USA. But some of my cousins and muslim friends did face verbal abuse and bullying at school for being muslims, not just from white children but also from hispanics and even the f***ing hindus.
Well Weak People are always bullied.

It's not just about being weak when you are so outnumbered. Imagine going to a middle or high school in USA as a muslim that is around 80% white, another 15% are blacks and hispanics and non-muslim asians, and less than 5% of all children are muslim. Muslim children are likely to face some abuse and racism at such a school.
Yes .i'll teach my daughter martial arts to beet the crap out of boys.
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