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World's Best Fighters : China's Shaolin Monks

The Shaolin Tiger

Simplicity, Directness and Honesty; the only way for a Tiger Stylist.

The Tiger style is one of Power, Directness and Simplicity. It's primary target is the opponents throat. All of it's efforts are aimed at this one vulnerable target to the exclusion of anything else. its primary Weapons are the Fist and the Claw. Footwork is only used to interfere as the tigers needs good ground contact to develop and deliver it's power. Learning the Shaolin Tiger you will discover the power of Simplicity and Directness. You will learn to identify the main point of contention and then develop the skill and power to reach this point.

In the martial art sense you will develop your strong and direct techniques. You will train and harden your body (and mind) to be able to deflect attacks, pain and irritations. Your techniques of choice will be powerful direct straight and round techniques using solid punches, Dragon Front Kick and Breaking Roundhouse Kick. These are augmented by 13 Specialist Claws used in a wide variety of ways.

Mentally, you will learn how to recognize the main weakness of an opponents defence/guard (be it physical, mental and spiritual) and then be able to overcome this to attack the core. At the same time you will need to harden yourself and be invulnerable to mental and spiritual attacks (taunts, distractions, strategies). This needs to be supplemented with Iron Body Training, Claw Strength Training and overall Upper and Lower Body strength and toughness.
The Tigers Defence

. . . there is none. The tiger does not defend it only attacks. The Tiger does not use blocking techniques but they do use swatting techniques against arms and legs. Grabbing the attacking limb of your the opponent and holding onto this whilst entering the center is the key method of gaining access to the Attacker and prevents the attacker using hit and run tactics. Yet, aside from swatting limbs and grabbing the Tiger does not use any defensive techniques. If the attacker is swift and quick, the Tiger may use;

1. Inter fear with the attackers flow and speed by upsetting the attackers legs
2. Prevent the attack fully using a leg with Tree Breaking Roundhouse
3. Stop the Attacker all together with the Dragon Front Kick.

All of these would be followed up with the Tigers Attack.
The Tigers Attack

The Tiger Stylist is the perfect avatar of destruction. Once started the Tiger Stylist follows all they way through to one of three possible ends;

1. Teaching Tiger - is where the Tiger applies one of the 12 Claws to cause pain and discomfort and thus 'show the attacker the error of their ways'.
2. Savage Tiger - is where the Tiger stops the opponent with a key blow or Chock; and thus debilitates the opponent (used against multiple, armed or drugged attackers.
3. Protecting Tiger - is where it is a life or death situation for the Tiger or their Pride (family, ones cared for). This is where the Dragon Claw or Dragon Claw or Snake Coil (choke) is used.

Although the Tiger Stylist needs to know all three levels of reaction, most Tiger Stylist practice only the first two levels so as to not accidental cause a result that in today's world is not really acceptable.
Tigers Strategy

. . . again, there is really only one; Get in and get it done (this is a cliché but applicable for this style), No Retreat and No Surrender. As such this makes it almost impossible for two Tigers to have a fight as the result will be disastrous even for the Winning Tiger. As an old Chinese proverb goes; "when two Tigers fight, one is lost and one will be severely hurt". Also, another Chinese proverb is also applicable; "Two Tigers can not live on one Mountain".
Tigers Training

It is zen like. The Tiger trains to be able to deliver that perfect technique; one for each Tiger level. The Tiger Stylist trains for Power, Strength, Toughness and Efficiency. Strong and Tough Legs, Strong and Tough Arms, Strong and Tough Body, Strong and Tough Techniques and a Strong and Tough Mind. Simplicity, Clarity and Raw Power.

Tiger Stylist

The ideal Tiger Stylist is an Alpha. They have a strong body, clarity of mind and purpose. They prefer direct solutions achieved by direct actions. They value and cultivate loyalty, friendship, honour, honesty and might. Their principle defects can be crudeness, over-simplification, lack of patience (with others), lack of appreciation of problems and situations and a will to dominate. They are best for getting things done, and are ideal for it if the task outcome has been well explained and they have a reasonable free choice of action.

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The Shaolin Panther

If you think you understand a Panther Stylist, then that is what they want you to think!

The Shaolin Panther Style promotes thinking, strategy and cunning. It is a style for those who believe that most conflict, most attackers can be out-thought, out-maneuvered and out-classes. The Panther stylist would prefer not to stand in the way of a any attack, seeking to run and hide although in a dignified and not cowardly way (for he who live to fight another day, chooses the time and place and a winning way). He is the one who will choose the time and place and method of any conflict, preferring to spend time planning and maneuvering in such a way that the conflict was won before the opponent relies that round 2 had begun (The Conflict is won, before the battle begins - The Book of 5 Rings).

If directly confronted, the Panther Stylist would seek to confuse, confound, bluff, cajole, bribe even reason with the attacker. In essence they would seek to join the situation to one where they feel they have the greater control; even to the point of changing the rules of engagement to suit them.

In a way, the Shaolin Panther Stylist may be best compared to Japanese Ninja, not the Assassin aspect, but the method of operations. They would always prefer to avoid a direct confrontation seeking to work out of the background, from the shadows, indirectly through others seeking to surprise, confuse and eliminate (the problem preferably).

In a Martial Art sense you will develop unusual technique, focus on strategies such as hit-and-run coupled with techniques that confound the mind and sense of the attacker. You do not need to be particularly strong as Panther Stylist, nor do you need to be very quick; agility needs not be your strength and not precision. You are a bit of a jack-of-all-trades as far as your skills and abilities and well versed in the usage of techniques, not specializing in any but comfortable in knowing and being able to using most.

Mentally, you need to be a Thinker, Gatherer of (pertinent) Knowledge, lover of Strategies, Unusualities, Oddities et al. You will learn to lay plans and learn from the success and failures; you will learn about the nature of Yin and Yang and the interdependence of opponents. You will also learn that rigid application of anything will make you predictable and thus vulnerable and thus become a master of Chaos, a Chaos based in order. You will be encouraged to learn from the three Great books of Strategy;

1. The 36 Strategies of the Ancients of China
2. Sun Tzu's Book of War
3. The Books of 5 Rings

The Panther Stylist is a very knowledgeable personage that prefers to prepare, plan and perform with a minimum of effort and greatest chance for success, with minimal self involvement or risk.
The Panthers Defence

The greatest defence of all time is "Not Being There", where the attack is to happen or is finding place. The Panther Stylist learns the secrets of the Active and Formative Defence; the Defence that is an Attack and the Defence that is Water. The Panther Stylists learn the skill of the small overcoming the large, the weak overcoming the strong, the slow overcoming the swift and the stupid destroying itself; by confounding, confuses and
The Panthers Attack

As complex as attack go with only one thing in common; for the object of attack it will seem utter chaos. The Panther seeks to wear down the opponent, inflicting small damages, breaks and debilitations. A chipping away at unexpected times, in unexpected ways with dire consequences. The Panther will decide when the attack is over; sometimes allowing it to stop before the utter exhaustion of the opponent, sometimes sooner, sometimes never. Seeming complexity, chaos and utter control over the situation. From the Panthers point of view, well planned, deliver with perfect timing and highest degree of safety and success to the Panther Stylist; for they are the Lords and Ladies of the Animal Styles.
The Panthers Strategy

The Panther is a style of Planning and Strategy. There is a legend of The Ghost Spear Fishers that may best exemplify a Panther strategy and style. In short though, the Panther Stylist is the master of manipulation, star of strategy and application, and a jack of many, many trades. The Panther Stylist may be called lazy, although they would call it intelligence to get others to do the work for them. Some might call them minimalistic, even austere; they would prefer to say that they do not weigh themselves down with the unnecessary. Some might call them schemers and manipulators, the Panther Stylist .. might agree with this.
The Panthers Training

From all the Animal Stylists, it is the Panther that is the most broad based. it is not that they learn everything at once, no, they learn something very well, use it, improve it and move on. Where by the other animals, once they have specialized, mastered and proven their techniques, the Panther Stylist will always look for more, the unusual and the bizarre. A true Panther Stylist though will ensure that what they have learned is well practiced and trailed; well enough that in their own mind they a sure it will be available when they need it.
The Panther Stylist

The ideal Panther is a Thinker. Preferably high IQ, possibly good broad based higher education, a person who is deeply interested in the martial arts. Some Panther Stylist lack the patience to become a Panther and go through life as a bitsa-master (bits of this and bits of that) without really having anything. A Shaolin Panther Stylist will spend some time on each focus, enough to make them as much as a Master before they move on to the next. The principle problems of a Panther are sometimes a lack of reliability, inability to get things done and an expectations that some things will just happen 'magically' for them. Sometimes they are to uninvolved and fence sitters. On the upside, they have the ability of Sharp Insight, Recognition of the Situation, High IQ and EQ coupled with a good ability to research and plan. They are happiest when they are the center of everything with out having to do anything.

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The Shaolin Crane

The Art of allowing the unbeatable to defeat themselves!

Whereby the Tiger is Power of the Physical and the Panther is the Power of the Mind, Crane Stylist have the power of Elegance, Patience and Evasion. Whereby the Tiger and Panther are offensive based styles, the Shaolin Crane (and Snake) are defence and counter specialists. The Shaolin Carne does not overcome it's opponents; it allows the opponent to overcome themselves. If you are unfamiliar with the concept, there is a good story of the origins of the Shaolin Crane Style that might interest you.

The concept is well suited, as in the story of the Shaolin student, at person who are not aggressive and prefer not to, or can not, deliver strong and direct strikes on an opponent, even if they are being attacked. The 5 Crane Levels all work on the precept that you can not win with what you have and thus create a situation whereby the attackers strength becomes their weakness. This i believe is one of the cleverest ways of defending but also one of the most difficult, requiring the greatest amount of nerve, skill and agility.
The Cranes Defence

The Crane prefers evasion, redirection and distraction. Strong techniques will be evaded, weak techniques redirected and sudden techniques will be distracted whilst being redirected or evaded. There is no force in the Cranes defence techniques (for the most). It is a style for gentle people who do not wish or can not use force. Thus all attacks against the Crane are used to help the Crane evade and avoid. The Stronger the technique, the better for the Crane Stylist to use the force. A good example of this is the one-legged Crane Stance, whereby the Crane Stylist stand with one leg on the ground and the other with the knee in front of the solar plexus, hands extended. When the attacker rushes in, the Crane 'steps' onto the oncoming attacker with the lifted leg and kicks it self away. if the opportunity is given, it will deliver some type of technique to a vital area, if safe, if possible and if it dose not distract from the evasion.
The Cranes Attack

The Crane Never attacks. The Tiger and Panther are attack specialists the Crane is the Defence, Evade, Avoid, Distract and run away specialist. It may 'sneak in' a technique whilst doing this but it would not attack.
The Cranes Strategy

Don't get hit! Simple and easy. The Shaolin Crane teaches us to specialize in Evasive avoidance having your safety as a number one priority. The Tiger is a 'win-at-any-cost' style; Panther is a 'win-at-the-least-cost', the Crane is a 'don't-loose-or-get-hurt' style. Outmaneuver, outdistance, outlast, are the overriding maxims and almost as an afterthought, striking, if safe, if . . . .etc.
The Cranes Training

The best Shaolin Crane stylists are also good dancers! They move like professional ballerinas not like gymnasts, they evade like water away from a splash, not like a startled mouse, they move like a gliding skater, not a charging bull. The Cranes training is much like learning to dance. Beautiful, economic movements, tight body control, hands out in rest, hands close to the body in movement. For a true Crane stylist, 50% of the training should be in Ballet dancing (not point), 25% in other dance styles and the remaining 25% in sparring and incidental striking.
The Crane Stylist

The ideal Shaolin Crane stylist is a gentle person who for the most could not hurt a fly. They have a strong sense of beauty and elegance, my tend to be a bit peacockish (flamboyant) and very people centered. They can fit into most any group of people seamlessly without effecting the group dynamic, they are peace loving, like people and usually are very kind. The Cranes principle defects are lack of own opinion, tendency to agree (even if they don't) and passive aggressive in nature and style. They are best for group work, teaching, protection of the very vulnerable and weak.

---------- Post added at 07:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 PM ----------

The Shaolin Snake

What is tried and true, practiced and proven, know and experienced; all else is dispersing mist.

The Shaolin Snake Style is one of Wisdom, Knowledge, Precision, Experience and Clarity. The Snake stylists likes to know that what they are doing is well proven, ordered, with purpose and wise. It is not a style of defence but more a style of bring order, calm and wisdom. The Snake Stylist is predominantly a grappler, capture, hold and control, capture, hold and throw, capture and takedown, capture and go-down, capture and incapacitate. It is a style of order and control not of random strikes; it is a style of power without violence, speed without hast and knowledge without dominance. The Snake Stylist is one of creating order, peace and safety.

The Snake Style is well suited to strong but gentle persons; ones that prefer not to use sudden violence as a means of defence. it is a style that prefers to entangle an attacker, make them overextend themselves, then capture, arrest and force submission. This style is best suited for controlled one-on-one situations as it requires skill, precision and full attention. If there are multiple attackers and the Snake Stylist finds them selves harassed, they will use their striking skills to create and opportunity for their main skill of capturing.
The Snakes Defence

Not being there, where the attacker thought them to be a second ago. Not like the Crane in great leaps and bounds but like a Snake just twisting, ducking, bobbing, turning out of the way. The Snake Stylist moves like a Snake, as if lacking bones, slippery and sinuous. The Snake Stylists main defence is the flexibility, weave-ability, subtle avoidance and very occasional, distracting strikes. As the Snake Stylist you would know of hundreds of maneuvers, combinations and methods of avoiding, controlling and submitting your attacker. You would be like a Chess Master and have studied all that there is to know for your type of personality, body type and strength and then you would work on perfecting it with an energy bordering on obsessions. For if anything, Snake Stylist may seem or even be Obsessive-Compulsive inclined, incessant and even inflexible in many aspects of thinking ( seeming balance with the Snakes Stylists incredible physical flexibility).
The Snakes Attack

The Snake does not attack. It reacts when attacked, it may even get the opponent to attack, but a Snake Stylist does not attack. A Snake always has their enemy come to them, on their terms when the Snake is ready for them. It may again, occasionally strike without warning but as such, it is not an attacking style. Sometimes it may look like the Snake is attacking but it is not (according to it), it just feels that the attacker has encroached on it's space or safety.
The Snakes Strategy

The Snake Stylist has no own strategy but every strategy can become a Snake Strategy. Again, a good comparison is a Chess Master. Every move possible in Chess has been discovered, documented and used; a Snake Stylist would rather spend the time learning every possible Snake maneuver rather than some fruitless trial-and-error game. It would search out person who have been successful in the art and it would seek to understand, emulate and possibly even improve (although, without admitting to this).
The Snakes Training

Physically the Snake would seek to be fit, flexible, enduring and flexible again. Strength would also be important as would looks. Of all the Animal Stylists, the Snakes tend towards physical vanity without ever admitting to it and dressing down to avoid being called a peacock. Yet, the Physical prowess and ability as their presence and looks are of some importance to them. In addition, Snake Stylist would need to be quick of body, hand and foot, well coordinated and able to twist around an attacker. Precision is also very important to find those important pressure points. Mentally, the Snake Stylist would need to specialize (at least initially). As a proper Snake Stylist you would choose either the Healing and Pressure Points (Dim Mak), Physical Strength, Grappling & Joint Locking Knowledge or Speed, Precision and Vital Point (Poison Hand) skills.
The Snake Stylist

The ideal Snake Stylist is one who is truly awed by great achievements in it's field of choice. They would have a great believe in the tried-and-proven rather than 'fancy new stuff'. They may even have, to some degree, a touch of Obsessive-Compulsive disorder or similar that they would use to their advantage to become and expert in what they chose. A Hall mark of Snake Stylists is their apparent unhappiness with their own performance even when other salute them for their mastery. Snake Stylists, in many way may never be truly happy with their achievements, always believing that they can do better.
A South Indian Monk is the founder of this martial arts and teach it to china.

Legend of Bodhidharma

According to the Jingde of the Lamp, after Bodhidharma, a Buddhist monk from South India,[8] left the court of the Liang emperor Wu in 527, he eventually found himself at the Shaolin Monastery, where he “faced a wall for nine years, not speaking for the entire time”.

According to the Yì Jīn Jīng,

after Bodhidharma faced the wall for nine years at Shaolin temple and made a hole with his stare, he left behind an iron chest. When the monks opened this chest they found two books: the “Marrow Cleansing Classic,”[9] and the “Muscle Tendon Change Classic”, or "Yi Jin Jing"[10] within. The first book was taken by Bodhidharma's disciple Huike, and disappeared; as for the second, the monks selfishly coveted it, practicing the skills therein, falling into heterodox ways, and losing the correct purpose of cultivating the Real. The Shaolin monks have made some fame for themselves through their fighting skill; this is all due to their possession of this manuscript.

Shaolin Kung Fu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
animal styles



@Justin Joseph

Bodhidharma founded Kung Fu and Zen Buddhism which spread all over east Asia. He didn't found ALL of China's martial arts..
Riiigght. I respect Shaolin Monks for their amazing discipline but they are not the worlds best fighters. Far from it.

The best fighter currently (striking wise) is this man.

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where is the dragon style????


In Chinese mythology, the dragon is one of the four divine animals believed to have supernatural powers and deep wisdom. (The others are the phoenix, unicorn and tortoise.) It has been an imperial symbol for centuries and the subject of many rituals and pageants. Even today, there are annual dragon boat races in Hong Kong and a huge dragon is always part of each Chinese New Years Day parade. It is interesting that while medieval Europe thought of dragons as evil, fire-breathing, oversized lizards who should be slayed at all costs, the Chinese tended to hold dragons in high regard. The legends say that dragons could ride the wind and waves, lend their strength to heroes and bring destruction to the irreverent. Depending on their mood, Chinese dragons could be either playful or frightening. There are many paintings which depict happy dragons frolicking in the clouds and rivers. There are also stories which credit them with causing storms, floods, and earthquakes. A mark of the dragon’s importance is the belief that dragons controlled the rains and storms – important events to a people who made their living by farming and fishing.

Many Chinese martial art systems were developed by watching and imitating the movements of animals. There is crane, tiger and snake kung fu. There is even an obscure village style called turtle kung fu. Not surprisingly, there is also a dragon style of kung fu which is based on the spirit, if not the actual appearance, of the mythical animal. Actually, there are two dragon styles, one that originated in Northern China and one in Southern China.

The Southern Dragon Style of kung fu traces its origins to a Buddhist temple in Canton province. Like the Shaolin Temple, the monks in this temple found many benefits to the regular practice of martial arts - better health, increased energy, self-protection and discipline. No one knows exactly how Dragon Style Kung Fu began. It was not taught outside the temple walls until a monk named Tai Yut broke tradition and taught the style to a single layman, Lam Yiu Kwai. Lam Yiu Kwai, now considered the Grandmaster of the style passed the style on to his son and grandson who became famous martial artists and popularized the style. Today it is growing in popularity in the United States.

"The principals of the style are posture and momentum, timing and sensitivity," according to Steve Martin, an instructor at the Sojourn Past Martial Arts Institute. "These four ideas must be linked together and used simultaneously to play the style well."

Each style of martial arts is known for certain traits that are the signature of that style. Dragon Style Kung Fu is famous for its handwork. The heart of the system is a set called mor kiu or "magical arms." It is a series of high-speed hand and arm techniques using punches, grabs, palm strikes, arm blocks, and elbow strikes. The "dragon character" is present in the speed, the coiling energy of the moves, and the chain attacks. It has been described as playing chess at warp speed.

Dragon Style Kung Fu is also famous for certain weapons. In addition to the traditional weapons of sword and spear, it uses a nine-foot staff known to its fans as the "king dragon heart-piercing pole." It is a huge pole that is literally nine-feet long and is swung with amazing power and speed by people who know how to use it. It is held out in front of the player, roughly parallel to the ground, with one end nestled into the player’s side, and the other swinging freely and forcefully in circles and arcs. It definitely clears traffic. It is obviously not a practical weapon, but it is practiced to teach the student how to use the muscles of the waist. It is so long and heavy that the arms simply cannot control it; the only way to move the staff effectively is by using the waist.

In Dragon Style Kung Fu, power is believed to emanate from the waist. Because the waist is the largest muscle in the body (something not everyone is particularly proud of) and the only one cross-hatched in three different directions, it is considered the best source of physical power. Most people use the strength of their upper bodies and shoulders. But Dragon Style Kung Fu teaches people how to draw energy from the waist and manifest it through their hands and feet. Because this does not depend on a person’s size or weight, it is an effective style for women.

One of the trademarks of the style is the concept that body energy is most efficient when it is used in spiral motions. Like a dragon, who coils and uncoils, the spiral movements are interlinked so there is a continuous flow of energy. Playing a set is like connecting the dots on a three-dimensional drawing. It gives effective self-defense since the hands and feet are constantly moving, leaving no openings or "doors" for an opponent. On an energetic level, practitioners say that it seems to push their internal energy into more organic shapes and forms.

The term "kung fu" translates literally as long practice or skilled work. You too can enjoy all of the benefits of the martial arts if you are willing to do the long practice.

There are also Toad, Mantis, Taming Tiger, Eagle, Deer, Dog, Drunken Master, Monkey, and Scorpion styles, and probably many more secret ones ! Please help me find info on these! The Toad and Scorpion and Monkey can be seen in the vids above! Scorpion looks amazing!
How the fu&k Anderson Silva got into China Defence?

<The best fighter currently (striking wise) is this man.>

Fu&king BS!!! Sonnen fu&ked him real good in striking wise. Unfortunately, Sonnen lost by submission in the last two minutes.

Now back to Shaolin, if I were to bet in the real fight (without any restrictions) between a Shaolin fighter and Anderson Silva. I would put my money on the Shaolin.

Shaolin fighters are truly kicking a$$ fighters and I've seen them in action.
36th Chamber of Shaolin ...anyone ? :victory:

My fav kung fu movie till date !!!!

Shaolin Monks are Powerful and extremenly well trained but i don't think they are the best. To be honest its hard to determin the best. You must consider Warriors who trained non stop like Spartans, Hashasheens and Samurais.
<36th Chamber of Shaolin ...anyone ?>

I see you're a Shaolin freak. LOL

I like Shaolin but it takes too long to master. I prefer Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee.

<Shaolin Monks are Powerful and extremenly well trained but i don't think they are the best. To be honest its hard to determin the best. You must consider Warriors who trained non stop like Spartans, Hashasheens and Samurais.>

Fu&king dude I am talking about hand to hand combat without weapons.

Yes, I know Spartans, Hashasheens and Samurais are good with their sword. But in fighting with your bare hands (i.e., without weapons) I would still put my money on the Shaolin.
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