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World War II: USSR Front

King Solomon

Jun 6, 2011
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Many people think that Hitler could have been defeated by US/Britain alone. When in fact, it is USSR who really turned the tide in world war II against Hitler. In this topic I will post a few documentaries on the matter.

Introductory documentary:

Military losses: USSR - 10,651,000

Result ; Decisive USSR victory, Allied victory in Europe.


Barbarossa to Berlin:

Full, long documentary of the Eastern front:

Operation Barbarossa:

Full documentary for Operation Barbarossa:

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Without doubt russia saved the world twice.From napoleon and nazi germany.

Yup, I read somewhere that up to 85% of German losses were dealt by the Russians. America's involvement in the Pacific theater was greater and they were more instrumental in defeating Japan. Germany was all Russia's handiwork!:tup:

I would like to recommend this WW2 movie in Russian called "The Brest Fortress". It's a beautiful film and an excellent tribute to the Red Army.:tup:
Having land border with Germany its was the USSR and only USSR which defeated Nazi Germany . Russians did defeat Germany without nuke where as US drank gallons of water to defeat Japan that too with nukes .
It was bound to come down to USSR and Germany. Hitler feared Jewish Bolshevism would spread into mainland Europe.
It was bound to come down to USSR and Germany. Hitler feared Jewish Bolshevism would spread into mainland Europe.

the Bolsheviks did not believe in god mate . the majority of the Jews who are in Israel today are the descendent's of those who happen to be from Russia and the former eastern block countries. the Jews were hated even there but not persecuted as much as they ware under the nazi s .
Y have any doubt?
Russia had the most war casualties of WW2 as it beared the brunt of nazi forces, not only repulsing it, but also defeating it ...
Without rrussia, britain would have fallen sooner or later, and i doubt USA could have fought germany and japan at the same time...
Russia well done :)
Y have any doubt?
Russia had the most war casualties of WW2 as it beared the brunt of nazi forces, not only repulsing it, but also defeating it ...
Without rrussia, britain would have fallen sooner or later, and i doubt USA could have fought germany and japan at the same time...
Russia well done :)

You doubt? The US was fighting both at the same time and succeeding.

If Britain fell the US and Nazi Germany would probably fight longer (though the ocean between them would make this a difficult proposition, with an eventual official or unofficial ceasefire when we achieve nuclear capability first and Germany loses its stomach for crossing the Atlantic. Imperial Japan was screwed, there was no way we would stop fighting them.

If Britain did not fall the war would probably end with a ceasefire and the UK being a US protectorate with nuclear weapons stationed there.

Britain would without a doubt have fallen (or become a satellite state to Germany) without American assistance, but the same can not be said without Russian assistance. What would millions of crack german troops do, swim across the channel? Britain won the air war by the skin of its teeth(which means it won the channel) with no help from Soviet Russia, and Britain and the US won the atlantic.

Without the US Britain is cut off from supplies and starved by the German Kreigsmarine until it becomes a satellite state or its airforce is grounded and Germany wins control of the channel.

It was the brutal eastern front which broke Nazi Germany's back, and it was the US Navy and Marine Corps which broke Imperial Japan's.
the Bolsheviks did not believe in god mate . the majority of the Jews who are in Israel today are the descendent's of those who happen to be from Russia and the former eastern block countries. the Jews were hated even there but not persecuted as much as they ware under the nazi s .

I know. But Hitler saw Commmunism as a Jewish creation. His lifelong dream was to eliminate communism, as mentioned in mein kampf.
I should also note that US Lend Lease was absolutely critical to Soviet Russia's war effort, without it and the logistical capability it afforded Soviet Russia might have crumbled all around Stalin.
You doubt? The US was fighting both at the same time and succeeding.

If Britain fell the US and Nazi Germany would probably fight longer (though the ocean between them would make this a difficult proposition, with an eventual official or unofficial ceasefire when we achieve nuclear capability first and Germany loses its stomach for crossing the Atlantic. Imperial Japan was screwed, there was no way we would stop fighting them.

If Britain did not fall the war would probably end with a ceasefire and the UK being a US protectorate with nuclear weapons stationed there.

Britain would without a doubt have fallen (or become a satellite state to Germany) without American assistance, but the same can not be said without Russian assistance. What would millions of crack german troops do, swim across the channel? Britain won the air war by the skin of its teeth(which means it won the channel) with no help from Soviet Russia, and Britain and the US won the atlantic.

Without the US Britain is cut off from supplies and starved by the German Kreigsmarine until it becomes a satellite state or its airforce is grounded and Germany wins control of the channel.

It was the brutal eastern front which broke Nazi Germany's back, and it was the US Navy and Marine Corps which broke Imperial Japan's.

I must note that history books and hollywood films have corrupted the youths of real WW2 history,...
How can u say british would have survived till 1944 when US arrived at france at normandy?
Germany's forces by that time were destroyed by the russians, and the advancing army from the west had little resistance in france and as most troops had been made to sent back to berlin to defend the homeland germany...
U must note that Britain had its good navy, The lufftwafe had destroyed london by bombing it...
And i doubt hitler would have accepted Peace and ceasefire as a option
Having land border with Germany its was the USSR and only USSR which defeated Nazi Germany . Russians did defeat Germany without nuke where as US drank gallons of water to defeat Japan that too with nukes .

Mate - You are underestimating U.S efforts in WW2.

US support in terms of goods and weapons was massive and crucial to Britain/USSR's war against the axis in the initial phase of the war. US fought three front later - one in Europe againt Germany, another against Italy and in the Pacific against Japan.

Do you think USSR would have taken on Hitler on one front and Japan in the other front and won without the involvement of US and Britain?
I must note that history books and hollywood films have corrupted the youths of real WW2 history,...
How can u say british would have survived till 1944 when US arrived at france at normandy?
Germany's forces by that time were destroyed by the russians, and the advancing army from the west had little resistance in france and as most troops had been made to sent back to berlin to defend the homeland germany...
U must note that Britain had its good navy, The lufftwafe had destroyed london by bombing it...
And i doubt hitler would have accepted Peace and ceasefire as a option

US forces were involved in the North African campaign as early as 1942 and along with British forces defeated one of the best generals in the history of warfare - Erwin Rommel. Germany was defeated due to the multifront war - USSR front, Africa and Normandy front. One can't say that USSR would have won the war all alone or US would have or Britain would have.
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