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Without US military aid to Pakistan, Where would the military stand?


Apr 29, 2012
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could it afford to buy weapons to match its rivals?

I keep reading on this forum the best aircraft in PAF inventory is from a US aid package.
Without US military aid, the Pakistani military would have needed a strong, self-sufficient economy to fund its purchases. That, in turn, would have made it impossible to turn a blind eye to the bloodsucking feudals who have bled the country for personal gain since independence.

The unspoken compact between the generals and the feudals would be unsustainable if the country were required to be self-sufficient.
i think we already survived during sanction period
but i think if we will cut our relations with them than who will buy our bed sheets and towels
Pakistan armed forces did very good under sanctions in 90's ... our economy will also do good...
First calculate AID and theory of AID you will better know in which position Pakistan (Better)
We have been under sanctions from the US since 1990 till 2001, we still got JF-17 rolling and purchased our F-7s

Active defence equipment was only 40%....50% of F16 was grounded due to non availability of parts....

Incorrect, spare parts were gradually being replaced by locally built or obtained from China. We can do that again.
Active defence equipment was only 40%....50% of F16 was grounded due to non availability of parts....

Military is not equal to F-16's.

Think in the broader perspective now. Combining everything, the navy, the AF and army. Although F-16's being grounded are a blow, but not a huge one.

And without US aid, things would have been totally different. We would have had a different role in this stupid war, and so on and so forth.
dear now from day one i mean 14 aug 1947 to date ....our salogan is
without aid there is no shade.......i hope u understand ............
Pakistan armed forces did very good under sanctions in 90's ... our economy will also do good...
Really? Remember the Kargil incident? No PAF in sight. Similarly, no significant Naval activity in sight.

We need local industry to become self-sufficient for our defensive needs.
to be honst without US help we would have been much much better off! we would have gone the French way & invested in Mirages or the chinese way! with US it gives us just enough to shut us up but not enough to make pakistan a powerful force like it does for taiwan).

F-16s is still our main weapon when we should have had a Rafale or a chinese J10 in our inventory!
I need figures. Anyone? Please... How much money do we actually get in Aid from US post 9/11 ? How much money for Military/ Defence alone?
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