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Wishes to the coming defence minister!


Feb 5, 2009
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What wishes would you have to the next defence minister (apart from party politics), to increase Indias defence capability and more efficiency of the forces and the defence industry?

My top 5 suggestions would be:

1) Take a stronger stand against government own companies and the forces, lead them and don't give them free hand to do what they want (no vetos of DRDO & Co. against procurements, no developments of DRDO & Co. that the forces don't want, no preference of weapons for one force ignoring that times and threats have changed...)!

2) Forget about pride in defence developments and aim on a steady growth of indigenous developments for the lower end, while high end weapons and systems will be jointly developed!

3) Follow Antony's way of a strong stand against corruption and bribery, but make it even stronger against the own forces and more efficient to not delay unrelated procurements (too less fear about strong punishment among the officers, don't investigate any complaint, but those that actually are reasonable or have a propper relation to a case)!

4) Create more competition in the Indian defence market, by reducing the monopoly of DRDO and co, focusing them on core fields only and getting the private industry to take more responsibility for the defence of the country and not only on financial benefits for them!

5) Focus on strategic joint defence developments with friendly and reliable countries (Russia, Israel, France) to gain from their know how, under our requirements!
Apprently you covered almost everyhing required to be done to strengthen our defence. So I will go with you.

U mean VK SINGH?? :D
IMO VK Singh won't be DM neither needed. Though he may become MoS Defence(sort of deputy defence minister).
U mean VK SINGH?? :D

Not sure about him, but do you think he really has chances to be DM? Who else would be candidates and what do they stand for?

Apprently you covered almost everyhing required to be done to strengthen our defence. So I will go with you.

"Almost", so what else do you think is important? What else might BJP look to?
I think one important aspect would be to ensure that battle preparedness is ensured at all times. One of the most disturbing aspects in UPA 2 tenure was government dragging its feet on almost all issues. Some of critical inventories for the forces have dwindles to dangerously low levels and new deals remain yet to be signed for fear of Auditor.
So in a sense one of the most pressing requirement for new defence minister would be to create a system in which deals are done in time bound and transparent manner. Hope he succeeds at that.
Sign the damn rafale deal and other big ticket items and take a look at the accidents in the IN.
  • Do the opposite of Anthony.
  • create a joint chief's head
  • Institute a reverse ban or penalty on those who falsely accuse of " ill doing" just to spite the competitor that won.
  • streamline the civilian and non combat forces ( too many unnecessary desk jobs )
  • Guarantee decisions to be made in 6 months from choosing wining vendor
  • Remove dependence on Russian technology as much as a possible
  • Realistic indigenous program with emphasis on private more than govt.
  • Institute a reverse ban or penalty on those who falsely accuse of " ill doing" just to spite the competitor that won.
  • Guarantee decisions to be made in 6 months from choosing wining vendor

That would work against BJP, since they came up with false accusations in serveral deals, which lead to delays because of investigations. Just found 3 examples against Rafale, for a post on IDF. So don't expect them to do something that will hurt themself.
The MoD can give guarantees only at their parts of the work, but they can't for IAF trials, for the negotiations between the industrial partners, so that might not be possible either.
3) Follow Antony's way of a strong stand against corruption and bribery, but make it even stronger against the own forces and more efficient to not delay unrelated procurements (too less fear about strong punishment among the officers, don't investigate any complaint, but those that actually are reasonable or have a propper relation to a case)!

Couldn't agree me. The use of more discretion is needed. The sad thing is under Antony it has actually become a credible and legitimate tactic by losing companies to submit anonymous complaints to the MoD that stalls the entire process and brings about the likelihood of re-tendering. I mean if this isn't a flawed system I don't know what is.

Perhaps have the work on the deal moving foreword whilst an investigation is conducted in parallel. That way you won't have lost anytime if the allegations are found to be unsubstantiated but if they are proven to be true at that point just scrap the deal. Sort of the best of both worlds.

But yes, don't allow any form of actually proven corruption to go unnoticed.

U mean VK SINGH??
I certainly hope not. This guy is divisive, isn't liked at all by the serving IA brass and has only been interested in furthering his own political career by tarnishing the image of the institution that has made him everything he is.

Some one from a defence background but not him.
Which anonymous complaints caused investigations or re-issues?
Rolls-Royce faces inquiry over Indian jet bribes claim - Telegraph

Defence Minister probes Rs3,000 crore ammunition deal | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

Livefist: Months From Deal, Bomb Drops On Indian M777 Bid

The strong action is welcome, but it seems to be having an opposite impact on defence acquisitions. The minister's stubborn intolerance towards allegations of corruption has led to a spate of anonymous letters reaching his table, as this is seen as the easiest way to scuttle a contract by rival companies competing for orders.

By Antony's own admission in Parliament, no anonymous complaint in the defence ministry goes into the waste basket. The flip-side to this is the elephant-paced procurement process has only got slower.

As the frustration is setting in, a top-ranking official pointed out that for the country's adversaries, all it takes is an anonymous letter to upset India's defence modernisation programme. A crackdown on corruption is essential, but there is no attempt to strike at the root of the problem.

SITUATION ROOM: Taking stock of 'Teflon Antony' | Mail Online

There are more instances sir but these come from the top of my head.

Taking this action because of ANONYMOUS letters, pathetic.
Not sure about him, but do you think he really has chances to be DM? Who else would be candidates and what do they stand for?

"Almost", so what else do you think is important? What else might BJP look to?
Okay while I am agree with all your points, I will add that next govt should let defence wings(Army, Navy and Airforce) more say in procurement and beraucrates should not middle them unneccessarly. I mean today beraucrats handle everything in procurements and other stuffs while our defence wings cry only but little use. Eg- old submarine battried are cleared for replacement but bureaucracy has halted it unneccessarly for so long and we saw 2 accidents because of this.
1.Improve indiginization (too lazy for spell check:drag). Create a panel to check and avoid any imports where an EQUAL desi is available.
2. Improve pvt-public cooperation. Ensure every nut and bolt is/can be made in India
3.Increase salaries and pensions.
4.Make sure NO serving,deceased or retired personnel and their family is suffering in anyway due to redtapes.
5. fastrack procurements
6.investigation should not jeopardize procurements

New defence minister
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