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Wish I could end corruption, poverty the Chinese way: China model for progress, says Imran

Leaders come from among people. Our nation wants leaders imported from heavens.

If anyone wants to research on how not to run a country, read history of Pakistan. The first generation of Pakistanis believed on sacrifice, people who migrated from India sacrificed their lives and people who lived in Pakistan opened their hearts and sacrificed their wealth to help settle the people who came to live here. The leaders we had at that time had the similar traits.

The next generations have been comprised of the thieves, the cunning, the killers, the racists and the religious fanatics. Naturally, the leaders we have got have the similar qualities al hamdolillah.

A nation that steals taxes, electricity, gas and whatever it finds whenever it gets a little chance and then gives charity out of the stolen money and acts holy, and then expects an angel as its leader should wait till eternity.
Maybe democracy is not really suitable for Pakistan? A semi autocractic-democracy system may suit Pakistan better. Something like Russia system of rule by Putin.
imposible to repeat the Chinese model in Pakistan, there is vast cultural difference that allowed China to achieve what it achieved, Chinese, Korean & Japanese societies are by far the most liberal, irreligious & obedient Asian societies, Pakistan on the other hand is one of the most conservative, religious & rebelious Asian societies, if Imran Khan starts mass jailing mullahs then IK will at the very least lose elections , a better model for Pakistan is Turkey's Ataturk, gain full support of the military, sideline the opposition, make sure no one but IK & his likes rule Pakistan for the next 60 years even if through vote rigging & start introducing liberal laws in the constitution little by little.
Mao is a long story. I will skip this time.

Common sense means you don't really understand how to get a country, you jump into how run a well established country.

Country is not natural thing, it must be built base on consensus. Most undeveloped countries have not enough consensus at all. When you distribute the power by implementation of your secret ingredients: rule of law, transparency international, and independent institutions. You already failed in the first place. The ruler must grab as much power as possible to build up the country consensus, which means kill your political enemies or at least make them irrelevant politically.

Any successful ruler knew this, that's why they rule. Such as Bismarck, Stalin, Mao.

Why I say grown up in west lack of common sense, because you guys are too realistic. The west has deliberately ignore how they build their country from scratch and de-emphasize how many enemies they killed to get the country. The history is very cruel in most cases.

India leader, Gandhi has no clue how to build a country, nor Nehru. They are installed by British, that's why Gandhi was not assassinated by British in the first place. That's the fundamental reason why China and India are so different.

I answered your first question partially. Mao finished his task in his era, Deng did his respectively. Xi is doing his job. Different era, different task. It's a continued process for China renaissance.

India's future is dark because of the DNA of the country.
@mike2000 is back , do you agree?
Pakistan has the same illness like most non developing countries: religion stands above any criticism. Even the Emirates or Saudi, take the oil away and they'd be shitholes at the speed of light.

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